Ad Huffman and the stage and props director b Shalonda Buckley, both of Philadelphia. Case) "'~ th of Louisville is in ch.c-::.- r– lights. Assisting with prop:- and art are Heather l\ee:ot f Meridian, Kathy Rushin;r of Forest, ~Ielanie Jone5- of Carthage. \ "ictona Dam b of Philadelphia. Sarah Cc. e and Shellie Kevs. both i l~ nion; and Laura Shoo~ and J ill Clanton. both of Law·r.::nce. In tddition to offering pporr unities for tts stu– den East Central ts mak– m2 a difference in the com– munlt\ a~J surroundin" area by pr viding Adult Bas. · Educa 111n/GED class– es a'ld worki~"rce traininS and bv bein" involved in economic development. During the pasi year, East Central sened more than l. 00 adult basic educa– tion ~eneral education diploma ...tudents. and
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o~ Gerontolog} hnology and the most Paramedic Tt-chnology. Additional technical pro– grams include Automotive Technology, Business and Office Technology. Child Development, Collision Repair, Computer Conditioning. Electrical Technology, Electronics, Machine Shop and Computer Support Technology. Vocational programs are Carpentry and C abinetm aking , Cosmetology and Welding. In addition to coursework offered on campus, dis– tance learning opportuni– ties are available via the computer in on-line pro– grams for both degree cred– it and workforce training. East Central also offers various programs to assist students with their course– work and in choosing . careers best suited for their abilities. In athletics, opportunities include intercollegiate foot– bal l, men's and women's basketball, baseball, soft– ball, men's soccer, men's and women's tennis, golf and rodeo competition. Numerous intramural sports are also offered. ,_ ... ~ ...... :.: ..... - -·- .. ~ -- .. - '- r:ec'ent addition EMT- Technolo~
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