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The Meridian l Online from Eastern Mississippi . www.mendtanstar.com [ Star Search I

Friday, October 31 , 2003

I LOCAL SPORTS ECCC shut out in fina l game By Marty Stamper I EMG sports assistant

Oct. 31 , 2003


DECATUR- Even in bad seasons, of whtch there have been many over the years you could usually count on the East Central Communtty College Warners to give a good effort on the football field

HOI'f'lc NC'...:: Stones Neo.o.s Columns

And that was true for the 2003 team unttl Thursday's 24-0 MACJC South Divtston loss to Southwest Mississippi.

Letters local Sport

·we didn't come out ready to play,'' ECCC head coach Terry Underwood said "It ..vas embarrassing to me. It was embarrasstng for our ktds and for our program

·we just got a good old-fashioned butt-ktcktng and there's really not much to say aoout 11

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"Southwest has got a good team and I salute them and gtve them credit. Our ktds didn 'I come out and play well and I take full responsibility, but the bottom line is we've always competed and we didn't compete tonight. That bothers me more than losing.

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"It was not a good year for us. Hopefully, we can have a good recruiting year and try to correct all the things that we didn't do well this year."

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The Warriors finished 2-7 overall and at best tied for the cellar in the South Divis1on at 1-5 Southwest closed 5-4 and 3-3.


Rod Allen started the game at quarterback 1n place of Terrell Robinson and the Warr ors went three-and-out on their first three possessions

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"He got hurt and part of it was discipline too," Underwood satd of Robinson's ack of pla1 unt. the final minutes of the first half.

The Bears took a 7-0 lead with 2:15 left in the first quarter when Reggte L nose I cornp eied a 37-yard sconng stnke to Alvm Winters between a patr of Warr or oe'enoers n :he bac-< of tt'le ef'ld zone. Royce Fonte added the extra potnt. On ~ne 53-,..ard dnve the Bears overcame two holding penalties and another ~or ega p·ocec~·e ECCC drew a 15-yard penalty for a htt out of bounds followtng a 10-yard run b~ Jose:)- Tab as.


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ECCC ~a: ·~e ::!a deep in Southwest territory In the second quarter only to have 3e·ma "c s....- :..- ose a fumble at the 26 .

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