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A 28-yard run by Kenshay Hunter led to a 46-yard field goal try by Mitch Myers w1th 5 09 left before halftime. but the freshman's kick sa1led nght of the upright
The Bears barely beat the clock to double the1r lead before halft1me
L1ndsey rolled right. then threw a 16-yard sconng stnke to Scott1e Reddlx v. tr • 0 5 seconds left 1n the half. Fonte's k1ck gave the Bears a 14-0 lead
ECCC threatened late in the third quarter and had second-and-four at the Soutnwes: 30- yard line. One play later, both benches empt1ed 1n a brawl. All of ECCC's players except Ken Shields and Cedric Love left the bench. No players from either team were ejected however.
After order was restored , Myers was w1de left on a 47 -yard field goal attempt.
ECCC's Mantrell Ashford and Lee Fairchilds were both later ejected for separate Incidents.
Between the ejections, Southwest extended its lead to 21-0 on a 66-yard pass from Lindsey to Reddix, who caught the pass desp1te being held near the ECCC 30 . Redd1x then pulled away and raced to the end zone Southwest tacked on a 32-yard field goat by Fonte w1th 8 23 left 1n the game to take a 24- 0iead The Warnors reached the Southwest 16 late 1n the game only to tum the ball over on downs.
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