MCBI to host Juco All-Stars By Mart y Stamper = •.·~ spor~s ass sta • ami Dorl S.;;."' ton of. "orth\\e·t \\,n coacn tll~ _: -.b men
Pla}er· repor. Wednesday at 1 p.m. Each team will practice twice on Wedne·day and r nee on Thursday. There will also ,be a free coaches chmc held at the Sih-er Star Confer· ence Cenrer on Thursday. Rick Petri, l. "'.1d women.:. coach at the University of South Alabama. will speak at 3 p.m. followed by Millsaps College head men's coach John Stroud at 4 p.m. "Rick has been there two years and probably had the best turnaround they've had there in a while," Hodge said. "John is a Mississippi junior college guy. He coached the men at East Mis– sissippi before going to Millsaps. He's been in the league and is a former player at Ole Miss. "Both of those are good X-and-0 coaches. I think coach Petri is one of the best motion coaches in the Southeast for women." One of the state's top stars, North– east Mississippi's Qyntel Woods, will not play as he has dropped out of school and will be at the Phoenix Suns camp that day. Woods averaged 32.4 points and 9.6 rebounds for the Tigers who fmished 11-12.
·I; ~ what e\'erybody loo • to 14 how to r>.m a fu:,•-da.~~ all-~ !!aiD • EOCC women·.:: coach Brad Hod~e atd ·AU the: o~hcr jumor colleze· around the - uthe~• ba\·e looked to u- and tried t< take s ome notes on how to handle it and administer It. ·\\ith the support of the Silver Star Casino, the Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians, and Choctaw Central High School, it is a first-class event. "It definitely will be well-attended. We'll probably have 150-200 senior col– lege coaches there minimum. "And this year, James Denson will be playing and he's Mr. Choctaw Cen– tral. He's a special guy and I know they'll be there to support him. "I'm excited about this year's event." Copiah-Lincoln's women and Itawamba's men both recently played in national tournaments. The Lady Wolves have two players select ed, while the ICC Indians have three players chosen to play. "Maybe some scouts will be coming that might not have been because of them," ECCC men's coach Bill Smith said. "It should be quite a few ~here."
PffiL.-4DELPHL'\ - The ~5th-annual ;\fu,j!::.lppl A--ociatior: : • mmunhy and .Junior College5 A .-~t ..: Ba·k"'i– ball !lame· are !-lated ! r 7hur~dav night at Choctaw Central Hid• ~cbo! The game· are ho.sted by tr~"' ~lJ,-b sippi Band of Choctaw Indian'. The women will tip off at 6 p .m. with the men· game ·lated for p.m. The men', game will .... erve as a home– coming for former Choctaw Central standout Jame:-: Den on. who played on two state champ1onsh1p teams at CCHS. Denson recently completed his juco career at East Central Community College. Other area players picked are Win– fred Craig, Nikki LaCour, and Lori Cumberland of East Central; Donna Franklin and Dennis Dupree of East Mississippi Community College; and Brittany Sumrall, Demesha Chambers, Nick Paige, and Chris Keyes of Jones Junior College. Mark Swindle of Southwest Missis– sippi will coach the South women, Bill Wallace of Southwest will coach the South men, Don Edwards ofNorthwest Mississippi will coach the North women,
DECATUR- 'l11c East Central Community College Players will present "Foot– loose" April 11-13 in the Vickers Fine Arts Audito– rium. Performances will begin at 7 p.m. each evening. Tickets are $10 a person. For ticket information, call the college switchboard at 635-2111. ext. 215. ••• DECATUR The Annual Spring Art Show and Chorale Spring Concert is set for April 18 at East Central Community Col– lege. TI1e concert will begin at 7 p.m. in the Vickers Fine Arts Auditorium and art– work can be viewed before or after tht" pro r m. TI1erc is no admi-.ston.
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