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North Women
School Coahoma ltawamba ttawamba ltawamba East Mississippi Holmes Miss. Delta
School Co·l.in Co·Lin
Ht. NA 5·6 5·7
Schneka Hams Shana Woodruff Casper Bobo Aakita Jones Donna Franklin Monica Lee Shirley Gooch Katie Walker Susan Spencer Chassidy Jackson Jennifer Hanna Audrea Carothers
L11s1 Contral Enst Central Gull Coast Gulf Coast
5·11 5·9 5·11 5·10
Jones Jones
5·7 6·0 5·7 5·8 6-0
Northeast Northeast Northwest Northwest Northwest
Pearl River Southwest Southwest Southwest
Coach: Don Edwards Northwest
said. "Obviously, the South's roster looks pretty strong. The last couple of years have been very competitive games that have come down to the last couple of minutes." The South has Mindy Livaudais (14.9 ppg, 9.7 rpg) and Christy Brown (13.5 ppg. 11.3 rpg) of state and region cham· pion Copiah-Lincoln. Also on the South arc Nykeshia Carter and Wanda Farmer ol Gulf Coast, Dee Flennory (11 ppg, 5 rpg) of Pearl River, and T raci Forrest, Colette White (7.6 ppg, 4.5 rgp). and Natasha Booth (8.5 ppg. 6 rpg) of stale and region run ner-up Southwt·st. Mark Swindlt• of Sout hw<·-;t wdl roach the South wonwn. · > t. ... ..... \1) ..::> > (I)
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