Denson headlines men's JuCo game
JuCo HOOPS junior year with Ivan (Billie). Randy (Tangle), Corey (Bell). and Sylvester (Samuel). That was a pretty good team." Denson was the only returning starter for the 1998- 99 campaign which also resulted in a state champi– onship. Few Warrior fans expected a repeat. "They did not," Denson recalled. "We were doubted more that year. That really helped us out for us to come together and show that we could do it.'' Denson signed a football scholarship with Samford Uni– versity out of high school, but transferred to ECCC where he played basketball the last two vears. - "I played for a year and got in a couple games, but my heart wasn't really there," Denson said of football. "I really w,anted to play bas– ketball. Heaqng a ball bounce on the top floor when Samford was practicing and we were in football meetings made me wish I was playing (basket– ball).'' Denson transferred lo ECCC and will leave content with his decision. He was ECCC's Best Offensive Player and Rebound Award winner as a freshman. This year's awards have not been announced. "I'm satisfied. I couldn't ask for more." Denson said. ''I'm glad I came here. I don't regret it." Denson was recently elected Mr. ECCC by the student body at the Decatur school. "'That was a surprise," said Denson, who is a Dean's J.igt scholar majoring in sports med– icine. He hopes to continue his playing career at a four-year school. "I'm going to deciOe after this all-star game," Denson said. "Hopefully. I'll get more offers than I have now. I've got a couple already. but I'm still lookinR"."
."He should have quite a bit of mterest from the community and the fan s on the reserva– tion," ECCC men's coach Bill Smith said. "He has represented the tribe and Choctaw Central and East Central very well. He's a well-liked individual and, hope– fully, we're going to showcase him in this all-star game.'' Denson averaged 16.5 points and 5.8 rebounds a a sopho– more as the ECCC Warriors went 10-12 and barely missed making the state tournan1ent. H~ had a season-high of 34 pomts. Denson has been hobbled slightly for a little over a week with an injury to his left foot. 'Tm looking forward to it " Denson said of the return to CCIIS. "Hopefully, I will be more relaxed. I'm comfortable there. "We had some good teams when I was there, especially my
Craig, who played at Louisville High School aver– aged 13.4 points and 5.2 rebounds. He had a season– high of 25 point~. Other area players on the South team are Nick Paige (12.3 ppg, 3.1 rpg) and Chris Keyes (10.1 ppg, 6.1 rpg) of Jones Junior College. Ea~1 :-.1i-.– sissippi's Dennis Dupree is on the ~orth squad. Also on the South team arc B.]. !3lac~ (13.4 pp~. 5.7 rpg) of Cop1ah-Lmcoln. Willie Breland (11 ppg, 7 rpg) and Marquez ,Moultrie (12 ppg, 5 apg) of Gulf Coast, Edwar~ Mack (17 ppg, t rpg) and Chns Parker (12 ppg, 6.5 rpg) of Hinds. \\'and Steward of Pearl River, and Brandon Griffin (12 ppg, 7 rpg) and Wesley Haynes (11 ppg, 7 rpg) of Southwest. Bill Wallace of Southwest will coach the South. Other North team members
Chocta" Cen– c aim to beinR" 1 hi tory as t 39-2. beat Hinds 2A tate semi– De ,on ...coring d then handled 72 m theiinals nng 10 point~. team went 27-9. ze through the ent a the 'War– ton 52-45, Tay-
lor::.ville 66-4 Broad ..,treet -0-54
and Shelby
Denson scor d 17 points against illettl ton. 15 against Taylor~ville and 25 a[!aim>t Broad StreeL In addition to the point total agam Broad Street, Denson al-.o had 12 rebound:.. eight steal-.. five a ...,j..,ts, and four blocked hots "He was unbelie,able." \et– eran Broad Street c.oach baiah Peterson said. "\\c couldn't even slow him down." "Any time we needed a big bucket or a big rebound, James got it for us," Choctaw Central coach Walter Wibon -.aid. "He's just a great player... Denson will represent Em;t Central Community College, along with ECCC teammate Winfred Craig. More than that, howeve r, Denson will also represent the Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians, who sponsor the men's and women's all-star games.
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