WEEK OF /5' h6 '&
- Warriors miss playoffs with loss to Hinds From pedal repons
JUCO BASKETBALL In addition to LaCour, other scor- ers were Lori Cumberland of Leake Academy, I I; Tamekia Foley of Newton County and Christina Ford of Enterprise, 10 each; Ashley Brown of Scott Central, eight; Trelisa Eichelberger of Noxapater; six; Melinda Ben of Choctaw Cen– tral and Shelly Giddings ofUniversi– t) City (Pa.) High School, four each: and Shaneka CiMrunk of Louisville. two. ShaRonda Welch of Gautier had 23 pomts to lead lhe Lady Bulldogs. v.ho fell to 1-21. • ophomores honored: Sopho– more-; on the Wamor and Lady War. rior team~ were honored between games Thursday night, with special recognition given to fomer Lad} Warrior La'Shonda "Smurf' Ford of Fore t, who was killed in an automo– bile accident on May ll, 2001. ..Smurl" was a freshman on last year\ squad, which won the Region 23 Tournament and advanced to the NJCAA Tournament in Salina, Kan..as. Her mother, Carolyn Ford Net– tle,, v.as presented a rose by Coach H Ea t Central Communit) Col– le~e·s \\aniol':' led dlroughout mo't ofThursda) ·, matchup \\ ith Hinds C'ommuml) College, but the 'i'iting Bulldog took conlrol io lhe waning minute~ and came aWt->ear head ooacb Bill) Smith, fornrer eshoba Centr:U coach. The Warriors fmished .;_- m division pia). James Denson. a forme.r tand ut at Choctaw Central, Jed the \\amors wilh l8 points. Also :-conng we.re Winfred Craig of LouisHIIe, lJ. Corey Hornsby of lstrouma Ln.) High School. 13: Maurice Enghsh of Union, nine; Donze) Crensba" of Ridgeway (Tenn.) High Schoo). su. Clint Hatch of Carthage. four. and Demario Qualls of Newton. two Edward Mack of Jack,on had 21 poims to lead Hind<;. wruch impro\'ed to B-9. The Lad" \Vaniors had little lroU· ble di p APPEARED IN: LAKE MESSENGER_ fL rentral. ---------- N ESHOBADEMOCRAT~~------- NEWTON RECORD____________ MERIDIAN STAR.____________ CLARION-LEDGER._______ SCOTT COUNTY TX ES UNION APPEAL ,------- WINSTON COUNTY JOURNAL___ SPIRIT OF MORTON_______
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