WEEK OF JS' h:_/:; '&2
War rior ea o
Ends; Lady Warriors
Prepar r State Tour~ey
DECATUR-East Centra mumty Col ege· s \\am rs throughout most 'lfTh matchup '' ith Hmd - Co nity College. but the ' Bulldogs too'· contra waning minutes and came with a 71-66 nall-b ter East Centrar s ,ea on A over Hind:, would ha\e
of~atchitoches (La.) Central. East Central completed the regu– • season '' nh a 13-9 overall
name t 1. alma. Kan sas. Her mother. Carol)n ford 1\entes. ''as pre ented a rose by Coach Hodge and 35Sbtant Toby Bush. and wa later embraced by coacheji and team member~ at mid-court. Warnor sophomores Jre Maurice English of Unton. Wi!Tfre and a --5 d1\ 1s1on record fi~-)ear head coach Brad r -r und action m the J ~ mament on Tues- s In add1t10n to LaCour, other scorers ''ere Lori Cumberland ofLeake Academy. II; Tamek1a Fole) of \Iewton County and Christina Ford of Enterprise. 10 each: Ashley Brown of Scott Central. e1ght: frelisa Eichelberger ofl\,oxapater: s1x: ~telinda Ben of Chocta\\ Cen– Scc "\\ .\RRIORS"" page 7 "WARRIORS" continued from page 4 tral and Shelly Giddings of University City ( Pa.) Hi gh SchooL four each; and Shaneka Cistrunk of Louisville, two. ShaRonda Welch ofGautier had 23 points to lead the Lady Bull– dogs. who fe ll to 1-21. East Central had a 38-22 advan– tage at the break the Warriors a .500 :-.ea on and a trip to the 1 '\CJC Tourna– ment, schedt. cd February2: -– at Itawamba Community Col– lege in Fulton Instead, · 1e Bull– dogs advance to the post-~ea r. and EC will have to settle for a \\ 10-12 mark under ftrst -year head coach Bill) Smith The War– riors fin shed 5-7 in division play. James Denson. a former stand ut at "'hoctaw CentraL led the \\ arnors with 18 points. OPHO\IOR£ HO"'ORED S omor .) t>n th \\ amor and L.... \\ am or teams \\ere hon– ored bet\\ een _ames Thursda~ APPEARED IN: LAKEMESSENG E R~------------ SCOTT COUNTY TIMES____ _ _ _ UNION APPEAL _______________ WINSTON COUNTY JOURNAL______ SPIRIT OF MORTON_ ______ . \\ ho "a ktlled m an au– tOtll( h · ~ .... ctdent on Ma~ I • I 'llurl'" \\a' a fre hman :.. iht year's squad. which -,on t.,e Reg1on 23 Tournament and aa' anct!d to the NJCAA Tour- •
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