Area athletes dot sports' rosters East Central Community
Sebastopol. Shephard wa... the ace for the Bobcatsla... t sea.'-on. The Ea,"t Central Lady Diamond Wnmor:- opened play on Feb. 19. mth a game nt borne agam"'-r Ea-.t i\h...... " f pl. The Lady Diamond Warriors feature two former area standouts. Paige Posey of Leake Academy and Amanda Wilcher of Edinburg. Posey. a freshman. was a member of Leake's 2001 slow– pitch AA State champton squad. Wilcher is also a fresh– man. On March 19, t he East Central golf team opens its sea-
:-on with a tournament at Northwood in Meridian. The golf team also featw·es a pair of former area standouts from Leake Academy, Hardy Gross and Richard Lee. Both are listed as freshmen. Brody Perkins of Carthage serves as a trainer for the Lady Diamond Warriors. Also at East Central, former Choctaw Central standout James Denson and Carthage product Clint Hatch recently concluded their stint at the col– lege on the hardwood. Lori Cumberland C1f Leake Academy, a sophomore, and
College\ Spring ~ports opened last week and n number of for– mer area athlete;; were on the vanou ... 'port.'-• ro::.terb The Ea,-t Central Diamond Warrior.-. actually opened action on Feb. 12. with a game ae-airu;t We,.;t Alabama's junior var-.ity squad. Listed on the baseball roster was former Scott Central "tandout Lewis Bradford. Bradford, a sophomore for the Diamond Warnors, was listed as an outfielder. Also on the list was fresh– man pitcher Alex Shephard of
at ECCC Melinda Ben of Choctaw Central are on this year's women's basketball team, presently in the MACJC State Tournament.
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