:cc offers additional scholarships Various types of financial ru.sistance continue 10 be available for adults who attend East Central Community College in Decatur, announced Randall E. Lee, vice president for student seiVices. Lee said scholarships for nontraditional students are still being o!Tered for the 2000 fall term, but added the deadline for application is nearing.Those who qual– ify for the scholarships include Mississippi residents age 23 or older who enroll fu ll-time on the Decatur campus after having eruned a minimum of 12 semester, hours but no more than 21 semester house as a full-time or part-time student at Ea~t Central. The deadline for application is August 3, 2000. For more information contact the Student Services office. Phone 635-2111 or call toll free, 1-877-G0-2-ECCC (1-877-462-3222), ext. 375. East Cenwdl also continues to offer its "FtrSt Course Free" program to quali– fied applicants. ..Any adult in the five count) di<,lrict '"'ho hru. not previously enrolled in col– lege and ""ho otherwise meets entrance requirements, may take the first college credit course free ofcharge at any class location in the district," said Gene Davis. Dean ofAdult and ContinuingEducation. To qualify for the special program. applicants must be at least 21 years ofage; have received their high school orGED (General Education Development)diplo-· ma APPEARED IN : CARTHAGINIAN_______ NESHOBA DEMOCRAT_ _ ____ NEWTON RECORD_____ _ MERIDIAN STAR CLARION-LEDGER _ ____ _ LAKE MESSENGER_____________ SCOTT COUNTY TIMES_____ _ UNION APPEAL ------- ---,----- WINSTON COUNTY JOURNAL_;____ SPIRIT OF MORTON_ ______ NEWTON MESSENGER
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