ECCC scholarships available for nontraditional students
Variou s types of financial assistance continue to be avail– able for adults who attend East Centr al Community College in Decatur, announced Randall E. Lee, Vice President for Student Services. Lee said scholarships for nontraditiona l students ar e s till being offered for the 2000 fall term, but added the dead– line for application is nearing. Those who qualify for the scholarships in clude Mississippi r esidents age 23 or oder who enroll full-time on the Decatur campus after hav– ing earned a minimum of 12 semester hours but no more than 21 semester hours as a full-time or part-time student a t East Central. The deadline for application l'- Augmt 3 2000. For more information contact the Student Servtce"' offi~ Phon 635-2111 or call toll..free .. 1- --- 462-3222, ext. 375 East Central aho c::onun to offer u.s 4 F~ Co~e Free,.. procram to quahf ed appli can·"
East Central, which include the Roscoe C. Pugh Memorial Scholarship, the New Directions Scholarship and the Homebuilders Association of Mississippi Scholarship. Prerequisites for the Pugh scholarship are the same as those stated for nontraditional scholarships . Applicants for New Directions Scholar ships must be 21 years of age and older; married or a single par– ent; and out of high school for more than three years (may
have a GED or high school diploma). For more information con– tact the Student Services office, ext. 345. Four scholarships are avail– the Homebuilders Association of Mississippi for individuals who plan to enter the College's car– pentry program during th e fall 2000 semester. For more information con– t act J ohn Adcock, Dean of Vocation a 1- Techn i c a 1 Instruction, ext. 211. able through
To qualify for the special program, applicants must be at least 21 years of age; h ave received their high school or GED (General Educa tion De\ elopment) diplomas; and be• n 01: t of high school for mo~ than one year . The S50 per ~"'mester hour fee ~.5 waJ\"ed for the f~r.st course nl) For ;:nore information con– ~ t th Oflke of Adult and Continwn= Education, exten– DS 278 or 219. In addition. several -dowed -..cholarships are 2'""ll.ilable for adult -odents at
ously ~::nrvued m c...1Jt:gt: ana who otherwise meets entr ance
- - - - • requirements, may take the • .r= first college credit course free
of charge at any class location in the district," said Gene Dari~. n ~ f) Adult and 'lOll
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