~-------------------- Faulkner, Muse enter Hall tonight T onight will be one to remember for a pair of men with local connec– Clyde Muse and Charles Faulkner are two of five who will be inducted into the Mis– sissippi Association of Coach– es Hall of Fame tonight at the Hilton Hotel in Jackson. Muse, currently the presi– dent ofHinds Community College, is a former superin– tendent of schools in Meridi– an. He also played hts tions. ----- Faulkner 1,.. currently the head football coach at Quit– man High ·chool. He co~ched Okolona for 15 sea~on.-. and led the Chief– tan:. to perfect regular sea– sonb in 1987, 1988, 1991 and 1993 and a Class 2A State Championship in 1993. Joining Faulkner and Muse in the MAC Hall of Fame class of 2000 are Ger– ald Austin, Farris Jenkins and Malcolm Kuykendall. The five new inductees run the total of members in the Hall to 152, with 141 of those being lifetime members and 11 honorary members. The Hall of Fame was cre– ated in 1973. Muse is better known by most people as a top-flight administrator, but has some strong coaching history as well. Muse attended Sebastopol High School where he was a basketballstandout.AJler leaving East Central he moved on to Delta State where he was captain of the basketball team and student body vice president. During his 10-year coach– ing career he won 177 games and led Starkville to the Lit– tle 10, North Stale and the A– AA Stale Championships during the 1960-61 season. He also coached in the Mis- junior college basketball at what was then East Central Junior College in Decatur. where he wa:, captain of the team and also student bodv president. - Austin Bishop
game -in 1959.
He joined the staff at Hinds Community College in 1978. He has been named Alumnus ofthe Year by Delta State, Mississippi State and East Central Community College. Muse received his masters and doctorate from MSU. There are many honors that coaches can receive in their careers. Many are symbolic. Most of the time the coach whose team wins the district, con– ference or league title winds up being named the coach of the year. But with something like the Hall of Fame it is differ– ent. Here, the inductees are being honored by their peers for a lifetime of service, not just one good season where they happened to have the talent. Faulkner's record is a great example of that. He built an absolute pow– erhouse at Okolona High School. He coached the Chieftans to six division crowns and four bowl games. He has posted 166 wins in his career. Faulkner is also very involved in the MAC and the Mississippi High School Activities Association. He just spent a week in Minnesota as part of an MHSAA committee and is very involved in seeing that the organizations move for– ward. True, he hasn't had the best of seasons the last cou– ple of years at Quitman High School, but that's not because he can't coach. It has just been one of those things. To me. Faulkner has an even bigger honor than the plaque he will receive tonight. That honor has a name. It is Dennis Grubbs. For more than 20 years Grubbs has been an assistant coach for Faulkner. That's all I need to know. If one man will work for another one that long, includ– ing making a move, it means that the boss is someone spe- _ cial. ~ Austin Bishop is a staff writer for The Meridian Star. E-mail him at abishop@meridian star.com
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