the East Central Community College Warriors this spring are from left in Chane} of Newton County, outfielder/pitcher Chad Champion of r-.t baseman Jason Willis of Neshoba Central, and catcher Brodie
t::~m>!Otl. II four are sophomores.
ws leads EC past River IO\\ ed by Jone~ (13-9), Copiah– Lmcoln (10-10), Hinds (8-12), Pearl River (6-14), and Southwest (4-1-l). ~ • Gulf Coast 6-7, EC 2-0: ~ <..ulf Cnast all but w rapped up the South Division ~~ -.flampJOn<>hip with the J pril 1 1 sweep at Pcrkm... ton. \ 22 and 12-6. Chad Champion 13-2) tooJ... the lo.,s in the opt>ncr. Chuck Butler to-;-.ed .1 no-lut– tcr for tlw Bulldog.., in the m ht– cap. • EC 11-8, Pearl RiH~r 1-5· was the Brodie :\lc.ldO\ ., .., for the \\arrior-. aturd Poplarville a.., thl'\ took tv. sion wins from the \'\ •I :1 Mcadow., had l\\(l m The Bulldogs improved to 23- .; Oh.'Tall a 'ld 15-5 in the South DavNon The \Varriorc; fell to 20-
and <;ix RBI".,._ the W n the opener 111 llht fhl' 1 Leading 4-1. I::C put the ru ru on PRCC w1th ... e, e n run<. m top of the fifth . McadO\\'! h d grand slam 111 thL' b1; mnmg The Warnor-. -.nappt..'Ci tic in the top of the tim l \ h Patrick Fern'>, Meadow'> • nd Jac;on Willie;, h1t nm-.~Lll ll\c home! runs.
ra11 ni four run... m t .., cnth to wmplek Meadows had a two-nm '>Ill., t in the winning rail\ Pearl River held a 'i-0 ,1th'4n-' tage through thrct inning.... Willis h,\d ,, twn-run 11llmer in the top of the fourth. Meadows continued lw ... career day with ,1 "inglc and " double. Sanborn had two dou blec;. joe} Allen (-1-fi) got tlw w1n in relief of (had Champion. Ua) Hannatord (1-h) took thL• ln-.... Juc;tin Chnn•" • ~ 1
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