Warriors take over first place Anot lcr ...11nd )Ut perfor- York Yankee. has allowed only mance b\ Ea..,t Centrill Comm- one earned run. unity C "ile~e ... oh0rn"rc pitcher While the fir'lt game was a Ja'>on \\Jilt.... of ~esho.:oa Central pitcher< duel, the nightcap •Na!> a and clutch hntmg b\ \\ iJli., -,lugfest. Chancy drove in five and Ju ...tin Chane). of runs w ith two doubles and a Newton Count\ helped ~ 'ilngle. I li'> ba'te'>-clearing the Warrior... ...\, ccp ~..:... I double in the fourth }one... 2-1 and 17-12 11 extended CC's lead to 12-7. Saturda\ in Decatur. josh Hardy had two sin- The' outh 01\ 1.,10n gles and a triple. Ferris had a before taking a 6-1 win 1n the o.,e~ ond game. Willi-, (5--0 took the los" in the fir'>t game. Fern.., and Brent P.l);C each had a doub!L'. In the nightcap, the Warrior... '>COred three run.., in the top ot the second to take ,, -l-0 b11.i. justm \\ebb hod a doubk lor EC. Chad Champion (3-1) got the
wins ~aH~ EC ...ole p -.-.e<>sion of '>ingle and a homer. Brodie ftr-.t p ce w1th a 12--l mark. Gulf Meadows added thrtoe singles. Coast ,.., 13-5 \\ hile JonL"' is 10-8. joey Allen had a double to go \ ~i' ... not onh to... ..,ed a one- with two single'> hitter, but hi' h\O·run homer in Danny Rushing (2-l) got the the bottom of the ..,ixth accounted w in with 4 2/3 inning<; of re lief. tor all of EC'-. run-. in thto opener. The '>Weep upped £C's O\ er- Patnck fern-.. had rl'ached on all record to 20-20. an t-rror prior to Willi.., bla'it to Earlier in the week, the 1\: th:enter. Warriors split a twinb11l at Hinds \\ tlh-. -.truck out 10 and and blew a 9-2 lead in losing to "alkcd t 'm upping Ius record Mississippi Delta. to th. II' ".., -.t 21 innmg<,, the At I lind<; on Apnl 6, the 2-lth-round draft pick. the New Warriors lost 4-2 in the op~ner
win with a four-hit wmplete game. Followtng thl' win, hi., ERA wa., 0.56 in :r~ 1/1 inning., of work. In Wcdncsd;w's 13-12 Jo.,.., to Delta in Dccah.1r:the \V,lrnor..,Jl·d 9-2 through SC\ l'n innt 1c;.., bl• ml' shoddy defen'>l' .1nd dutch hit– ting by th~ TroJ.lll" pro iuccd II run'> in thl' final two mnmg~. Webb had ,, grand .,Jam lor the Warnors while Champron had a p ECCC shorts top Brent Page gets upended in Wednesday's game with Mississippi Delta. The Warriors swept Jones on Saturday to grab the lead in the South Division. .. APPEAF CARTHAGINIAN_ ___ ___ NESHOBADEMOCRAT_______ NE~ONRECORO _________ MERIDIAN STAR.________ LAKE MESSENGER___________ _ SCOTT COUNTY TIMES___,..---– UNION APPEAL _ _ .......__-:----- WINSTON COUNTY JOURNAL____ CLARION-LEDGER.__________
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