EC readiesfor State Tournament The Ea~t Central Commun t\ C F
Perk111ston campus The Diamond \\ .unors meet Northwest. the top· eednl \forth team, at 3 p.m. Gulf Coa-.t and TI.JI\'dmba battle at 7 p.m. The double el immation tourna– ment continues through the week- nd, I\ tth games schedu led ill 11 am, 3 pm.m, and 7 p.m. on Satur– da\ Tht- championship matchup JS set for 1 p.m. Should a game seven be needed to determme the l>tate wmncr, that contest wiU be played thirty minutes following game s1x. All ECCC tournament games will be broadcast bv WSSI-FM(98.3) 111 Carth.tgt', fl•dtl;nng veteran broad– Cd"ter \1ike Goodwin. Ea~t Central alc;o qualified for the fo urth 'traight year tp compete in the Rl·gwn 23 Tournament sched– ult-d \fa1 7-9 at Meridian Communi– t) College. Tournament brackets will be announced next week. \g,1inst Southwest, East Central won 8-5 m the first game and fell 4-2 Ill the second contest, which went 10 tnnings. leading hHters for EC m the first match up ''ere Justin Chaney of v·ton County, two singles; and Brodl\: Meadows of Brandon, Justin \\ebb of 'eshoba Central and Jud nbom of 'oxapater, singles e,lch.
In the second game, sluggers were Meadows, two smgles; Jason Willis of Neshoba Central, double; and Sanborn Webb, Jayeson McDon– ald of Tuscaloosa County and Joey Allen of Junction City, Ark., singles each. Danny Rushing(4-2) of Edinburg was the losing pitcher. Needing just one more victory to secure a spot in the state playoffs, East Central responded by scoring four runs in the bottom of the sev– enth to claim a 6-5 victory over Co– Lin in game one of doubleheader achon played' April 21 in Decatur. East Central also won the nightcap by a 10-9 margin. Rushing (4-1) was the winning pttche r 111 the first game a nd \Villis(S-4) came in relief to win the second matchup. Diamond Warrior sluggers dur– ing the first game were Sanborn, three singles; Chaney and Willis, two singles each; and Webb, single. Game two hitters were Patrick Fcms of Clinton, triple and two sin– gles; Allen and Sanborn, two singles each; Chad Champion of Holt, Ala., home run; Willis, Chaney and Chuck Welch of University Christian, sin– gles each.
lege Ba-.eball program ha" re another mllc;;;tone. The pia bound Diamond \\amor, \\h year captured their fir-.t tate pionsh1p won a , hare ot the r f South Dins1on tatle folio weekend doubldteader '' tth Southwest th1s year·~ co-d!\ J-.;ton champc: both squads completed a n r 3} with 17-7 record~ Ea.,t Centra a e close to wmnmg the tttle outnght and being de~1gnated th., h t th , year·~ stak toumte) But a - -2 I , to the Bears m t?xtra mnmg-: of game two mpped tho,e thought.; an the bud. Ea~t Central "on the fir-t s me by an 8-5 margm. What madt t~te South\\e5t g me– crucial to the Diamond \\ amors was that Gulf Coast dropped a double– header to ''isiting Copiah-ltncoln the same day. Since the Bulldog, won three of their tour ~a me- \~ 1th East Central, Gulf Coa<:t wlll ~ne as site of this year's competition East Central, wh1ch completed the regular se.1son w1th a 25-23 mark, is makmg its th1rd tra1ght appearance in the sate tournament which gets underway I nda • on the
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