East Central ntakes changes in curriculutn
Test), SAT(Scholastic Aptitude Test) and GED(General Educa– tion Development). "The lab is complete with 15 computer workstations. They also have extensive reporting capabilities for students, teachers and research purposes . that will show how many stu– dents have worked in the lab and what they've accom– plished. The latest addition in the Art Department is a new com– puter graphics lab located inthe Vickers Fine Arts Center. This lab features the most mod– em Macintosh computers, along with printers and scarmers. Advertising Design I, a new course designed to go along with this lab, has been added to the curriculum. Todd Eldridge, in– structor, said, "This allows stu– dents to learn the latest tech– niques in advertising design using industry standard equip– ment and software." "Thts is a great advantage for students who are preparing for a career in an art related industry such as graphic design or web publishing," Eldridge added. Also located en the Colleg~s South Campus is a new and im– proved ceramics lab. "This new facility boasts a larger area with multiple work stations for students to create, store and fire ceramic wares," said Bruce Gu– raedy, Chairman of the Fine Arts Division and art instruc– tor. The new ceramics facility is also much safer and is able to accommodate future equif?.ment purchases for the purpose of teaching the art of "throwing on a wheel."
East Central Community Col– lege is en the mo\'e! With the fall 1997 semester, the 2000- plus students attending ECCC saw the addition of four new labs en campus. They include Science and Technology, the Learning Skills Center, a com– puter graphics lab, and a ce– ramics lab. The Science and Technology laboratory, located en the Col– lege's South Campus, has 12 modules which students com– plete throughout the year. Ar– eas include Biotechnology, La– ser and Fiber Obtics, Introduc– tion to Physics, Multimedia, mtroduction to Automation, computer Assembly, Electronics and Telecommunications. The three hour credit course in– cludes lecture as well as labora– tory instruction. Also mtroduced to students during the fall semester is the Learning Skills Center. Located in Newton Hall, the LSC pro– vides tutorial servtces for stu– dents using computer software and the Peer Tutorial Club, a group of students who offer help in various courses. "The Learning Skills Center offers tutorial help mainly in math, English and reading but we also provide instruction in biology, history, sociology, and other courses," said Mary Han– son, director. Whatever diffi– culties one is having, they will try to find help for students who are struggling with their work. Hanson also said the com– puter software available inthe lab could help prepare students for standardized tests such as the ACT(American College
COMPUTER GRAPHICS LAB- The new Computer Graphics Lab located inteh Vickers Fine Arts Center at East Central Commu– nity College allows students to learn the latest techniques in ad– vertising design. (EC photo)
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