EC unveils four new • labs during fall term

now available :n the art de– partment and allows students to be exposed to the latest tech– ruques m ad\ ertising design using ind~try standard equip– ment and :::oftware. The lab ~:. locatec bteh Vickers Fine Arts Center. Another course addition is Recttal Clas~, designed to pro– \ 1de m'...Sic maJors more oppor– turunes for performance. The one-hour credit class also en– ables students to gain confJ– dence and competence by per- formmg en a weekly basis. The ne\\ offering encourages a vari– ety of mstrumental, vocal and keyboard endeavors. In addition to changes inthe course curriculum, East Central added a new Learning Skills Center to further assist students with their studies, Located 01 the second floor of Newton Hall, the center includes 15 computer stations where assis– tance is available en a variety of subject areas. Full-time staff members ard student volunteers serve as tutors. for more information regard– mg course offerings contact the Office of Adr.'lissions, Records and Research, East Central Com.mwlity College, Decatur, Miss. 39327, PI-t 635-2111, ext. 206.

Several changes appeared in– teh East Central Community College curriculum for the 1997- 98 term. A new course of study - Sci– ence and Technology- is avail– able for students whose inter– ests include problem-solving and career opportunities in– volving various areas of modem technology. Students have their choice of 12 modules to complete throughout the course. Areas include an overview of 1.lctence and technology, applied concepts of modem technology, microcomputer assembly, oper– ating systems and program– ming, introduction to automa– tion, electrical and electronic systems, multimedia communi– cation, biotechnology, applied physics, photonics and fiber optics, telecommunications and advance computer applications. Open to all academic and ~hnology students, the three– hour credit course includes lec– ture and lab instruction. The Science and Technology lab is focated en the College' South Campus. Also new to the ECCC curricu– lum is Advertising Des1gn I, which has been added for art majors. A computer graphics lab - .featuring the most modem Macintosh computers along tyith printers and scanners - is

STUDENTS WORK - East Certlral Community liege students work on different modules in the new Science a= ~echnology lab located on the College's south Campus. (EC Ph

NEW LEARNING SKILLS LAB - The new LE<:ning Skills Lab at East Central Community College assists with course– work ranging from English to Calculus. (EC \



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