East Central Community € ollege is re dy for the future
lab features the most modern Macintosh computers, along with printers and scan ners. Advertising Des1gn I. .:1 new course des1gned to go along with this lab. has been added to the curriculum Todd Eldndge lllStructor, said ''Th1s allows stu– dents to learn the latest tech– niques 1n advertising des1gn usmg 1ndustry standard equip– ment and software." "This IS a great advantage for students who are prepanng for a career in an art related tndustry such as graphic design or ~eb publishing," Eldndge added Also located on the College's South Campus IS a new and unpro~ed ceramics lab Thts new factlity boasts a larger area with multiple work stations for students to create. store and fire ceram1c ~ares," sa1d Bruce Guraedy. Chairman of the Ftne Arts Dt'>' 1s1on and art instructor. The new ceramics faclltty 1s also much safer and is able to accommodate future equ1pment purchases for the purpo:.e of teachmg the art of "throwing on a wheel."
'anous courses. "The Learning Skills Center oflers tutorial help mainly in math English and readmg but we also pro\ ide Instruction 10 biolo– gy h1story, soc1ology. and other our:.e . sa1d Mary Hanson. drrector: Whatever d1fficul11es one IS having. they will try to find help for students \\ ho are slruggltng \\ 1th their work. Hamon also said the computer ofty, arc avail able in the lab could help prepare students for ~tandard1zed tests such as the ACT ,American College Test). S !\T Scholastic Aptitude Test) and CrD (General EducatiOn De\elopment) The lab 1s complete w1th 15 computer workstatiOns. They also h::~ve extensive reporting capab1ltt1es for students. teachers and research purposes that will sho'>' how many students have worked in the lab and what hey'' c accomplished. The latest addition 10 the Art Department 1s a new computer gr.tp 1,<.;~ lab locattd in the Vickers Fine Arts Center. This
crence la'boratory Joe College' South C module \\hJch plete througho mclude Brorechn Frber Opt ~s I Ph)'l~S lntroduct
to Au tro Comp ter !\ssembl) El aron c d Tele ommum.auo The ee hour credit course an ludes ture as \\ell as laboratory tn: uon Also Introduced to students APPEARE LAKE ME scone UNION AI WINSTO~ CLARIOf', These East Central Communitv c:~lloop ..... ~ .."•" .. r .. •1-- -..:---- - ..J • •
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