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lndn tduab mtere-.tcd 111 appl) 10 to panictpatc 111 tht' !J\C-}car pr01 JCct are reque...ted to ~oall the threcj tor, \h. Ro~eanna l ubby, n1 650-7302, a' -.oon a-. po-.sJble. Ser \ice i'> limitl.!d to 25 parttctpanb pet year. Enrollee~ '>hould bL read~ t begin da.,~e., either at E.CCC o t Meridian Branch in early Januat ) 1996.
Parucipant'> ,.. ill ha\ c 'ar)lrtg le,cb of educauon and c\pencn~c. The Chocta'" ProfC!>'>ional lA"\ clopmem Program wtll enable those who ha' c little or no college expen\;ncc to enroll at l:.CCC to begm earning their A.S. degree. Tho c \\ho already have an A.S. d~o'gfee may continue thdt -.tudtt.\ at the Meri– dian Branch of ~t~U.
fhe l.J .S. Dt'panment of Educa– .ion ha-. a''arded the Chocta'' Tribal S~hool Sv~tem a Federal grant ot 5235,785-to operate a Pro– fe-,-.ional De, elopmem Program on the Choctaw Indian Rt'~crvation. Slat.:d to begin operation on January I, 1996, the Choctaw Pro– fc-,-,ional Development Program ''ill -.erve twemy-five Choctaw par– u~ipant'> per year a'> they prepare to become teacher~ m the Tribal School'>. The proJect t'> approved to operate for the ne't five years. Offi~iah in Wao,hington, D.C. called Chocta'' \ propo'>al one of the best re~et\ed in the round of tierce national competition. The Chocta\\ Tribal School'>" ill imple– m..:nt thb no:'' prOJ~Ct tn collabora– tion with Ea't Central Communit> Colle!!e and tho.: Mendian Branch of ~t•.,~i~-..ippt State Unh er~it> . Cht d Phtlltp ~larttn, "'ho ,trongl~ -,up port~ and encourage., ed ucation among all trtbal m..:mbl.!r'>, mad~: the'>C comment~ about the nt:\\ project: ··we are p\ca~cd to accept thb lunding becau'>c 110\\ it wtll be po~sible for many of our Choctaw teacher a">'tstant'> to ha\c the opportunity to obtain a degree in tcad1ing without lo'>'> of their job'> or employee benefit'>. At prc'>cnt we have 125 certified tt'achcrs, with only 10 be– mg Chocta\\. That isle'>'> than IOOJo of our prole'>'>ional '>taff. 1t is ea~y to '>CO: that ''e nt'ed more certified teacher. in our da...-.room'> who und~r~tand our language and culture... T he ChoLta\\ P rofcsltional De' t'lopmcnt Program will enable 25 Chocta'' parttcipant-. to enroll dther at Ea'>t Ccnu al Communi!) Coll~ge or the Mendtan Branch of \ 1Sl.J a' they '>tud~ toward'> A.S. degrees 01 B.S. degret'~ 111 educa– tion. Participant'> \\ill rc1xtve finan– cwl a~'htan~.:c to covet all 1 uition, book\, and fee'>, <,pCctaiiLCd illWUC– tion, guidanc~ coumcling, and -.tipcnd~ to cover time lo.,t rrom
\vork whtk attending cl~'>e.,. Parucipation is open to all Choc– ta'' teacher a~sistams who are cur– rent!} employed on the Chocta\\ In– dian Re!>ervation, as well as other tribal members who are current!} either employed in education on the Re.,ervation, or who are ~eriousl} intcrc!>ted in eventually reaching in the Choctaw Tribal School System.
ECCC PASTE Officers... Selected to serve as Post Secondary Association of Students and Teachers of Early Childhood Education (PASTE) officers at East Central Com– munity College in Decatur for the 1995-96 term are (from left) Deana Cbickaway of Conehatta, treasurer; Dana Lewis of Philadelphia, secretaQ / reporter; Janell Ward of Forest, president; and Rowena Whitham of Philadelphia , vice pre.,ident. The organizatiun is sponsored by Kath) George and Mary Ann Wright, child development technology instructors. (EC Photo)
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