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Diamond Warriors begin '95 " Play ball" may or may not be heard at major league parks this spring, but sounds of the national pastime will definitely be heard at East Central Community College where the Diamond Warriors begin season play on Friday, February 17. East Central has two single games scheduled on opening day: a rare 10:30 a.m. contest with Bevill followed by a 3:30 matchup against division opponent Jones County Junior College. An invitational tournament is on tap for the veekend on the Decatur campus and includes BevilJ, Jones, Wallace State and ECCC in the two-day competition. Dumas and reliever David Cox who set a school record for appearances. Both are continuing their athletic careers at William Carey College. Other top pitchers lost via gradua– tion include Tommy Holland and Jamie Morrow. Holland posted a 4-1 mark and Morrow now plays at Mississippi College. But Clark expressed confidence in returning hurlers Jason Wilkins of Enterprise and Todd Reeves of Newton County. Wilkins, who went 5-4 record last year and registered 19 strikeouts in one divi– sion game, enters the season as the top rated starter. Reeves, the only other sophomore pitcher, is ex– pected to work as a middle reliever. Although he has only two returnees on the mound, Clark said he expects a "big boost" from his freshman pitching staff which he describes as "excellent."
needed depth." Two first baseman return from ~ast season, who are Matt Smith of Sidon and Kevin Nelson of Clinton. Smith, who batted .310, is coming off shoulder surgery and is still not at full strength. Clark describes Nelson as the team's "most improv– ed player." A 2.69 hitter last year, Nelson will probably move to another position when Smith is healthy. Battling for the starting job at se– cond base are also two sophomores, Chris Ezelle o f Union and Chad Ardoin of H .:Irley and a transfer from Mary Holmes. Ezelle batted .269 last season and is expected to be the team'\ leadoff hitter. Returning at shortstop is Ricky John of Nes!· ba Central who hit .300 with three home runs last year. John will probably bat second in this season's lineup. Freshman Carey Lambert of Gonzales, Loui– siana, could :allenge for che short– stop position meaning John may possibly mo. o:c to :hird base. Clark said Ra}mond Johnson of Philadelphia expected to rerum at third base a· er mh~ing most of 1994 due to a "rok.en JaW suffered in the lta\\amoa ~eries. Johnson, "hom Clar describes as an "outstanding'" Fielder, IS also effec– the at the p e a::. he was hitting 19 when he sustained his injury. Abo sched b.;. to see playing ume at third bast .:.:. Shane ~1cGee, a freshman from Leake Academy. McGee i~ cou::m_ off elbow pro– blerru that mz_e him miss all of
Fans should once again witness an exciting brand of baseball under head coach Jamie Clark who enters his eighth season at the Warrior helm. This year's squad feature 14 returnees from the '94 club which posted a 29-20 overall mark. Coach clark obnoU51)' expects another successful campatgn from his talent-laden team. "Even though we lost 5e\eral ·ey players due to graduation. l feel we have an outstanding group ot sophomores and freshmen on this year's team. 1 am espec1all} plea.:.– ed with the new players and feel all of our recruiting needs were met,·' he said. One area of possible concern for Clark may be the pitching stali which he has had to "rebuild" due to t he graduation of several outstanding hurlers including All– South Division performers Scotty
Staff members include starters Hank Thoms of Newton, Mitch Covington of Denham Springs, Louisiana; and Willis Lally of Breaux Bridge, Louisiana; short relievers Brandel RusseU of Newton County and Mark Davis of Enter– prise; long relievers Germaine Chambers of Noxapater and Craig \ 'o\\eL of Philadelphia; middle relie\ er Tony Perozo of Lake; and spot relie1 er Joe~ Rigdon o f :-;e\non County. Clark o;rud Brook Bl)an of Philadelphia ''ill also be counted on during the pitching rmation. The ECCC head mentor~ he' "vel) pleased'' \\~th the talent from his inflcld, an area tha ..
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