WEEK OF iamond Warriors host
ball under head coach Jamie Clark who enters his eighth season at the Warrior helm. This year's squad features 14 returnees from the '94 club which posted a 28-20 overall mark. Coach Clark obviously expects another successful cam– pai gn from his talent-laden team. "Even though we lost several key players due to graduation, I feel we have a n outstanding group of sophomores and fresh– men on this year's team. I am especially pleased with the new players and feel all of our recruiting needs were met," he said. One area of possible concern
for Clark may be the pitching staff which he has had to "rebuild" due to the ~rraduation But Cla rk expressed confi– dence in returning hurlers Jason Wilkins of Enterprise and Todd Reeves of Newton County. Wtlkins, who went 5-4 last year and registered 19 strikeouts in one division game, enters the season as the top-rated starter. Reeves, the only other sopho– more pitcher, is expected to work as ·a middle reliever. Although he has only t wo returnees on the mound, Clark said he expects a "big boost" from his freshman pitching staff which he describes as "excel– lent." Staff members include
Sounds of the national pas– time will definitely be heard at East Central Community Col– lege where the Diamond War– riors begin season play Friday, Feb. 17. East Central has two single games scheduled on opening day, a rare 10:30 a.m. contest with Bevill followed by a 3:30 matchup against division oppo– nent Jones County Junior Col– lege. An invitational tournament is on tap for the weekend on the Decatur campus and includes Bevill, Jones, Wallace State and ECCC in the two-day competi– tion. Fans should once again wit– ness an exciting brand of base- •
(\ ~ ECCC baseball team
Vowell, Ph1ladelphia Bucky Davis, East Chatham, N.Y.; Todd Reeves, Decatur Dusty Ivy, Hickory, fourth row, Kenyon Gordner, Walnut Grove; Tony Perozo, Lake, Justin Schmidt, Carthage; Joey Ridgon, Decatur; Germaine Chambers,:;ES Noxapater; Mark Davis, Enterprise; and fifth row, Tommy Bast, Philadelphia; Brandel Russell, Little Rock, Honk Thoms, J-..,..--.,. OlJ=R~A ~ Newton; Cary Lambert, Gonzales, La ; Raymond Johnson, Philadelphia; and -Nill Mcleod, Louisville. The Diamond---– Warners are cooch(.-d by Jamie Clark.
Members of the East Central Community Cqllege bose· boll teom for the 1995 campaign include, from leh, first row, Brooks Bryon, Philadelphia; Chris Ezelle, Union; Mike Hom– mock, Brusly, La.; Shone McGee, Morton; Ron Cook, Carthage; Ricky John, Philadelphia; second row, Chris Bond, Hickory; Kevin Nelson, Clinton; Willis Lolly, Breoux Bridge, La., Chad Ardoin, Hurley; Jason Wilkins, Enterprise; Mitch Covington, Denham Springs, La.; Greg McBride, Newton; third row, Matt Smith, Sidon; Chad Lewis, Little Rock; Craig
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