Phi Beta Lambdacar wash Phi Beta Lambda officers of East Cemral Community College will a car wash SaLurday, October 12, at Wal-Mart Ji 9 . spons price wiiJ he $3.00 car. rom am. until 2 p.m. Th
EC NamesOutsantdlng Instructors, ~lumni, Athletic Hall of Fame lnducte~s 9-tanding instruciOrS, alumni of include Thomas W. Carson, East Raymond. "Alumnus of the Year". lit ,ear, and athletic hall of fame Central's band director who also Those chosen for induction into the ...,_s have been selected at East teaches music, "Academic Instructor 1991 Athletic Hall of Fame include Community College and will of the Year"; Ricky Harrison, an Larry Henderson of Mobile, Alaba– .~lfpo~ored during Homecoming instructor in the drafting and design rna; Diana (Lyons) Jones of Bay scheduled Saturday, technology program, "Vocational- Sprigns, and Wayne Tullos of Belle 19, on the Decatur campus. Technical Instructor of the Year"; Glade, Florida. lloiiiOreC~ chosen by the alumni Newton County Schools teacher Special recognition will be given ..x:iltion's executive committee Lois (Blount) Cooper, "Alumna of each honoree during the annual &. nominations sa~ by abe Y,r";_ l!)d H.!!!ll ~ ~ ... * uledinMabry al•mni and college. , :[11p~~l\_~rt, o( jien~orial Cafeteria. APPEARED I N: CARTHAGINIAN M:ORTON TRIBu·=N"""E- – NESHOBA DEMOCRAT NEWTON RECORD v---– CLARION-LEDGER - - - SCOTT COUNTY TIME UNION APPEAL WINSTON COUN-TY~J~o=u=RNAL MERIDIAN STAR - - -
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