WA \ 'lit: TULIJOS T he third 1991 mductcc: i college', athletil: Hall of Fame ke the national tree throw recort"lwh'cn he conneetc:d on Ill 'lratght at~h again'>t Northwe\t Juniot Col1tae in a 11.)55 contl!'>t at Scnatobta. A' a rc:..ulr of lu~ dutch '>Coring ability, center \\'a)nc Tullos wa~ named to the fir,, team AII-Amenan 'tJuad and i' one of only 1 hree War– nor ha,ketball pl-1~. 'to re~et\~ th<. honor. Ot het EC \I'" ·\meril:an' arc Ocn-..:r Btacke~:n and the late Ho,,ard Se"um' Hl.' wa~ al'o in,trumcntal in leading the War· i. ·t' to the Region 7 Champion,hip .md a fourth place fmi'>h in 1 he nat i1lllal tournament . In 1 he Regional · Lie gam~:. lC dd'eated the Boonl.'\tlle "Fi,c" hy a 6o-04 lll Car~hc:gir.ian _ _ ___ ___ / S;::irit of Monon - ----- Me:-ician S:ar________ Neshol:a Democat____ Scot~ County Times_ _ _ _ Clarion-Ledger___ ___
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