",msofi, Hanison are East Central · tflnom '' 1"'') d. 1 · .•outstan In':! m tructo~. a umn1 •• • 11 ~
teacher Loi~ (Blount) Cooper, "Alumna of the Year" ; and Hinds Community College president Dr. Clyde Muse of Raymond, "Alum– nu'i of the Year" . Those chosen for induction into the 1991 Athletic Hall of Fame include Larry Henderson of \tobile, Alabama; Diana (Lyons) lone\ of Bay Springs, and Wayne Tullo of Belle Glade, Florida. pecial recognition will be given • ea...h honoree during the annual alumni luncheon scheduled in \lab~~ \1emorial Cafeteria. TOM CA RSOI'II For the pas1 nine years Tom Car– n ha, 'ened a band director and a member of the college·~ academic eachmg facuh y. He al'o tcache!i
~ , tjle \car. and athlet .. hall of fam" u • q[\~i:S ha\ c: oeen -e ected at Ea' i~rtl , I Communn~ Col ege and '~~0 • honored dunn~ - ~om- ~f.IJ • • 1\'IIIC' ~hedu ;w rda). Jd 1 m ~r 19. 1991 on ~tur
spent as a student on the Decatur campus. College personnel who were in– fluential during his college days in– cluded Bruce Peterson, Bob Fick, Dr. Charles Wright and Gilbert Sommers. Highlights of his college years were (I) being convinced into major– ing in music (2) learning a lesson from Dr. Wright on the "magic" of a purchase order (3) sleeping in Mr. Ovid Vickers' English Literatur e class (during musical) and (4) sneak– ing into the Fine Arts Building for "rock" band practice. "Eas1 Central provided a lot of positive direction for a long-haired skinny kid who just moved from Ita – ly to Decatur and whose only goal
mu '"' ~predation and is available for p: ate music lessons. Ca: 'l's accomplishments are .) since beginning his ECCC . career in 1982. ' responsi b le for re– ng the Collegians into their ocal-instrumental pop-rock forming the Jazz Band, im- • ng larger band scholarships an~ -~cia! scholarships for top bane • .•ruits, organizing blues per- m.~: groups including Conehat- - B:...e, Connection and ' Round ~ dni;e, and instituting a n applied _uuar program for music majors pur-.uing this academic area. tar on, who attended East Cen– tral from 1973-75, said he has many fo nd remembrances of his time
was being a rock star and seeing how far his roomate and he could steer a car across campus while sitting on the car roof, " Carson said . While a student at East CenuaJ , Carson was a member of the band , choir , ECJC Players a nd the Collegians. His honors include being inducted into the college's Hall of Fame and he was the recipient of the Best Sup– porting Actor Award, Best Acto· Award and Players Award. He ,..as named to Who 's Who Amona American Junior CoUeaes and ,..as a member of the Mississippi Jcn:o: College All-State Band . Following his graduation f:oo East Central, Carson allended De.~a State University where he rece~ec bachelor's and master's degrees m music education. Carson and his wife, Brenda, v. ho also attended East Central and serves as the college's financ tal a td d irector , have t wo children, Christopher, 10 a nd J ennifer, 7. The Carsons resid e in Deca tur.
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