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vatll-..1 .. -·- b c nom 1¢1 ..,.,.,. t<-ltVlj N,\1: H .~ ntouse ol David", ~pr;( k~FJional tt>.ln that toured the United State'> and other countrit.:.... Tullo' began hi-; coa~..hrng carel r in 1957 at Lake High 'School where he directed girl~' and boy~' basket– hall squad~ through 1965. Under lm kader'-.hip, a winning tradition qurddy de,eloped. Hr' be~t \ea<,nn rel.'ord wa~ a 33-3 mark. In recognition of his outstanding ~.:oaching abrlitics, Tullos wa., ... h -dn one of cwo head mentor~ t " e rO\) bfutl 3-1 rex rd d nng ht' :-.nph unme a . Otho..:r mo..:mbl:r, ol th~ ch,lmpron- p 195-+-55 ~quad v.crc Joe Clark, Darrell I h ma:-., Leo Ru,,d[ Henr) ( od;er. Joe lee .lohn,,m, MlTtJio; Hur t lames Gnttm, loluwv Alex a d~:r, A.G. Robin,on. and managers fom Hun and Glenn \1tlc'> The team \\a' Loachnl by C.. a} ton Blount. Along. wrll1 bl.'lllg an otustandmg athlete, Tull•.J~ v.a~ ab1.) a p~.1pular ' tdcnl at bast Ccr111 al as he \\.1!-l ,t:Jected a ~ophomore la\orllc Befon: h.: l: Tullos JUIIlJl \1101 \\1[/1 lll!CC \CI.:Oillh IC· mainmg. fulfo, led the Warnor' in 'coring \\llh 26 poinh. Dunng hb 'ophomor e ,ea,on, Tullo, 'corl.'d a total ol 1'{50 point,, a\eraging 25 poinh pl.'r game. Hb highc\1 101al for a 'ingle game \\Us -W point\ ''hkh he tallied a1.win't \\'aod .I urn or Cullt:gc ~ Along '' rt h recel\ rng All Amcrrcan honor-., fullll\ wa, ~elected to the fin.t team \II Rel!inn 7 (MS. fN. KY) and AII-S~tate He rccci\ cd a ba.:hdor ·, dcgrl'~.: 111 phy.,rc.tl cJucati,m lr.Jm 1\ltssr-.!(tp– pr Colll'gc in 1957 .md \\a., dr.tfted bv thl.' NBJ\ lhmk-... \,a pt Jit~'>lllll.tl h,t.,J..ll ~ ~bJrJ·~> ~ )l} ~f\ !JII I HI! I r~~ I II.\ r d II crl ~,,, ...) llf-1 ol £~1s no~tn1.H APPEARED IN: CARTHAGINIAN M.ORTON TRIBU'... N"'"E-– NESHOBA DEMOCRAT NEWTON RECORD ------- CLARION-LEDGER ----- SCOTT COUNTY TIMES___ UNION APPEAL 1 WINSTON COUN=T~Y-J~O~u=RNAL MERIDIAN STAR ---
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