WEEK OF _____.....__
EC C, Delta face off By Marty Stamper -~---- Special to The Star DECATUR After snapping a six game losing ~treak with a 34 24 win at Southwest last week, East Central's 2-7 WarTiOJ s con· clud~ the1r 1989 season agamst a strong Mississippi Delta team Thursday at 7 p.m. The Trojans are 7-2 and need at I~st a tie to make the stale playoffs . The Delta off~nse .... averages :i:l.6 points, while its defense giv~ up 16.1. ECCC s offense averages 16 4 points, while the Warr10r defense yields 2H.6 Delt.& offense features both a strongrunnmg and a strong pass– ing attack ECCC coach A.J. Kilpatnck calls Delta runmng back Chris Sypho (6 foot, 200 pounds) a dou– ble threat "He runs . with authority," Kilpatrick sa1d "And he catches the ball well. He has a lot of foot– ball senl:ie." Also in the backfield are quarter back Ralph Lagarde <5·10, 200). fullback Laurence 1lcGee (6-1, 220), and wingback Cornelius Gedward SUI£ phulO ECCC 1 S Tony Kldd tries to tackle a Jones runner Chrts Litton (6-0 230) Richard Fussell (6 1, 240) Wilh~ Johnson (6·3 J25) , Matt Anota (6-4, 350) and Todd Beeching (6 8 260) . Anoia a transfer hom the Umversity ot Hawau. 1s the son of a professional wrestle1 Delta's Tom Burke 1s second nationally in kick scorm~ Delta's defensive hue 1s 1nade up of endb Darryl Gooden (6·1 200) and Altts f'ord (6·5 260) , tackles James Colli1ts (6·0. 230) and Chrts NeS1n1th (6-2 260) and nose guard Jeffrey Nick (5·11, 225). Ford s1gned with Ole Miss, but falled to make NCAA admis– sion requirelllen~ The linebacker::. are Heru·y Mitchell (6 1, 215) l'yroue King <5-6 155), and Patnck Bell (5 H 205) The ::.ecoudat.) coruasts of Sam Hhodes (6 1, 180) R1cky Mar::.ali:, (5 10, 175), and koduey Alexander (5 11 175) ''I know we ve got a b1g task ahead of us Kilpatrick added "I really believe they' re as good a tearn ds there is in the state. They play good defense and their offen!)e speaks f01 itself. " ECCe 1 ushed 54 times for 318 yards against Southwest. La· mont Byrd had two touchdowns and 115 yards. Darnell Brown had 73 yards and Anthony Walker 72. ECCC had 421 total yards as 1'ony Kidd added 65 yards on five receptions. Kidd leads the Warriors in scoring with 30 points and has 25 catches for 469 yards. Brown l~ds in rushing (425) , followed by J3yrd (374) and Sammie Holifield (302). Byrd has passed for 421 yards. Kilpatrick antic1pates having bc.ck the team's leading tackler Wyatt Williams (94 tackles) and Ira McDowell. Both missed the Southwest win with injurie~. Arlando Daniels is second in tackles with ·73, while Opie Rav has "72. • • Delta won last y~ar' game 3213 __:;?EARED IN : :.!.STI:iAG INIAN.____ .!"..Jli'ON TRIBUTE SCOTT COUNTY TIMES_ _,....__ UNION APPEAL WINSTON· COUN=TY:-:--:J:-=-0:-::URN~AL ___ MERIDIAN STAR.____ _ ~S KOBA DEMOCRA~T=----- !.•70N RECORD ------
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