~--~. s ea 'W 34-24 South Division victory 1 rs snap s
East Central spotted Southwest a IO·pomt lead and then exploded for 34 unans\\ct ed points in route to a 34-24 South Dtvision vit'lory in community colll.!ge r.t'lion Thursday night in Sum– mit Tht> \li~1rrior wm, which snapped a six-~arne losm{· streak, improved En ·t Ccnll·al's S«' .son mark to 2-7 and I he dl\ is1on record to 1·5. East Central ana South" e~t ha\ e identical records going into this \\Cek's season-ending cOmJX'tition EC "11l close out the 1989 campaign this Thursda> by hostmg non-division opponent ~lis is ippi Delta at 7 p.m. m Warrtor stad1um Delta, prior to Saturd ay's ma tchup at East Mississippi, posts a 6-2 overall mark and 4-1 r<.'rord in :'l:orth Division ac– tion The Trojan!' are nationally rank· ed in several categories and the team 1tself has been tagged one of the coun– try's be:ot t·ommunity college squads. In Thursday s game, Southwest JUmped out to an early 3-{) lead when Marc Graham kicked a 25-yard field goa I wtth 11:29 left in the initial ~nod. Io'ollowing an East Central fumble, the nears extended their first quarter It' d \\hen quarterback Steve Henn– ln~ton lofted a 32-yard strike to wide reccJVcr Curt DeLee 24 seconds later. Graham added the PAT and SouUiwe,:,t quilkly led 1()-.0. 'But after those early Southwest
scores, it was all East Cenllnl. The first Warrior h1lly. wh1<.·h <.'IIIIH' near the end of tht• fm;t pl·riod v. as registered when quarterback Lamont Byrd connected on a 25 y<.ml pass play to running back Ter•·y llol(an. Th<• PAT was missed but the Warrior<; had closed within 10-6 following the1r four· play, 50-yard scoring drhc. The Warriors later took complete control in the second stanza and scored 21 points lu donu11atcd the d 1 1 sion battle. Bvrd scored t\\ IC<' 111 the sccund stanza, on run:. of three and 59 yard gallop came ~•th just ov1 r t\\o minutes remaming Lci()relwlfllmc n:. he race along the Warrior SJdehnc to paydirt But the most ::.pcdalUhlr swring run of the game was by \\ arrwr linebacker Opte Ray \\ho mtt:rcepted a Southwest aerial and broke sc1 rral tackles on his way to a 39-) at d s<:unng jaunt. Ronnie Wllliam'ion added all three PATs and East Central h·td a commanding 27-10 lead at inturmis· sion. The Warriors slru<'k qui<.·kly in the third period when quarterback Grc~ Fulton and wide receiver Tony Kidd teamed for a 28-yard st·oring p teamed for a 28-yard st·oring pa!>s play Williamson again added tlw PAT. Southwest tallied midway in the third quat"ter when running ua~k Jonathan Futch scored on a 20 ~atd run. The run for the two-point rmi~er· ~,;ion failed. The Bears added a late fourth quarter touchdo\\ n "hen quarterback Marc Wil!'on f1red 1 12-yard strike to DeLee v. ith just 44 seconds remaining. Futch ran for the two-point t·omersion STATISTICS East Central had 17 first do11 ns to 11 for Southwest. The Warriors compiled 324 rushmg yards and 102 yards passing for a 426 total. Southwest had llO yards ru-.hmg and 206 passing for 316 total yards Leading rushers for he Warnors \>et e Lamont Byrd, who had 100) ards on 11 carries, Darnell Brown. who had 84 yards on 12 attempts, and Anthony Walker , who rushed 15 times for 75 yards. Byrd completed fi ve of nine pa~,;::.es for 61 yards and two touchdowns. Greg Fullon was two-tor-two for 41 yards Tony Kidd led Warrior rccei\'ers with six catches for 89 ards. Defensive standouts were Op1c Hay, ctght tackles and two as~,;ists ; Arlnndo Paniels, five and one; and Ha)PS Pet ty and Ronnre Williamson. carh w 1U1 fhe tackles. ...??EARED IN: SCOTT COUNTY TIMES______ UNION APPEAL.__ .....,...,.~ WINSTON· COUNTY JOURNAL___ MERIDIAN STAR._____ t.:.ARTHAGINIAN.____ .• .....i :'ON TRI BUTE.____ •!..SROBA DEMOCRAT____ Q".L"'N RECORD______
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