


All - ~ .. Class·c

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Tl.'PEI.O- 7"-: sncuaJ Mtsi.Ss·j!?i ;-=.;;x CclJege A.I·Star Foot~. C.ass ~ 0e ;:.!~ed in Tupelo o: Dec:e-~ $. ;,e-..;:;.nmg at 1 :J0 P·• The co:.:est ... ::at:..:l 60 of the fines~ so;:. .... ~- _ a.·- etes from the 14 ~bsis.s.irr: .!~ ColJeges which p!3) ·cxn.: b the past more U:a.n t"I"''-~::s o! t."':e game's pa.ntcips.:;:.s - ~ eC':ieC senior co!Jege ;:'z.reg o;:~nies and several ~IH! :=a.!e it ro the professn:1. e1~ Seruor c:n..ege ~u from througbot=1 u-e c.atioo WJU he afforee\! OZ?CJ-~nes to v. •uch the players Cl r;'!=tle': se~SIODS, at the game Cld ci....ri=g the three-day period c-e ;:'z;.ers and coaches are i;l Tcpelo The ~ s.;':lad holds a one game ,;C'!Of) ~ge at 6-5-1. It is a f..!.;. s.a.nCLoned contest by the r\aooc.s 1 J_~m College Athletic Associaoon, LS !ppro,ed 'oy the Miss~sstppi Junior CoUege Presi· dents Assonanoo and sponsored by the MLSS:ss;ppi Juruor College Coaches ASSOC'!.auon Dr. James Gray, be:td football coach at Mississippi Delta Jumor College, is president of tbe ~1JC Coaches Association Players "'ill be named by the coaches follO\lo .ng reguJu season play. Each JUntor college will have participants. --- ------ -- ----- --- !J;h --



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