ECJC Warriors defeated by NWJC 'SC.\ \\-l-~1 • East Central seasoo The last score came when Nor- field goal of the mght putting the score Saturdav Or.t.e=:t kicker Tindall kicked his third Northwest 23. East CentrallO.
C'ollege de!ea•ed the final ga~r.e o( Nort.hwe:sl econd quarte- Rick\' Barnev amj,ben ror· Varnor se\""en } arnedm-erf ktcked the extr.s
The Rangers oen
Tmdall tiek
-~ field goal
making score Ra!:c.ers 1 EC 0. 8ast Central then dnn-e the ball to the 'langer li-)"al'd 1lihe:re oo fourth iown ll.kP Ha a 2'7-~ard teld 2oal punm;2 East Ce:traJ m the lOard, 10.3 Rangers took the \\amor •-yard lme and the passmg of arne~ and rtl!l..OUDg of Mike Bobo rove to the \\ arnor n:ne v.ilere the rarrior defense held and Gre) Jones ktl'ked the field goa to put the Rangers 13 EC 3 \\t!h 52 ~econds eft m the tlurd quarter Jack.~n car– ried for the 13-~ard toudldmm and the extra point b~ Tindall-..s good-score Rangers 20, EC J East Central s .....,.,."" came 6:35 in the fourth quarter v.-hen Ricky Goss carried for the TD Mike Hawkins kicked the extra pomt -----~
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