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UHS's Ricky Goss picked J~ to play in All-star game ' !/te 13tt a:u: ual .P'JR Jc::x~: The South squad holds a one game Col'cge .$, -S·.: Foot~ be \"lCtO.~ edge at 6-5-1 pla)ed m T -;'C ~em~ begin- Jt 15 a fuD) sancooned contest by the nina at 1:30p m.. Nauonal Junior College Athletic "The COOlest ~tdl of the fmcs1 Asso~Jatioo , is a pproved by t he sophomore at etes from the 14 Mmisstppl Junior Cc llege Presidents MiSSISSIPPJ JWIJOJ" Conqes ·~ t:Ja~ Assoctation and sponsored by the footbal! Ln c.be past mo..-e than ""o- \ bssissippa Junior College Coaches thirds of lhe pme's ~~ts na"-e Assoclatioo. Dr. James Gra)', head foot- earned seruor ~}ll:f: oppor- ball coach at ~1~sis~ippi Delta Junior tunities and SCYCnl ba"""e ~e r: to e College, as pre5ident of the MJC professional qucs Coa::bes Association. Senior col1ete scoots from throughout Players f: omECJC selected to play in the natJoo v.iD be affocded oppo.-n:ruties the e"~oent are Ricky Goss, a fullback to watch the plaYftS m pracuce SCSSlOns, fr om Union. Willie Sanaster , a at the game and dunn& and three-da)' linebad.er from Lo uisville, and Mike period v.hile pla)ers and coaches are in Sto;ko\ic, an offensive auard from T upelo Tu~caloosa, Alabama.



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