
j TFE ~ L A R I ~ J ~ E R 2ty-i.- JACKSON DAEY NE ws k v * Sqgday, December 6, 1970

Tommy Jones To Receive Scholarship Tommy Jones, son of Mr. anu Mrs. Guy Jones of Sebastopol, has been named recepient of a scholarship at East Central Ju- nior College. The scholarship was donated by t h e 1969-70 scholarship committee. Tommy is an active partici- pant in t h e Baptist Student Union at East Central. Hegrad- uated f r om Sebastopol High School as salutatorian of his class. In high school, he partici- pated in track, footballandbas- ketball. He was a member of the Beta Club and of the Future Farmers of America. Honors he achieved in high school include agriculture I, 11, math, biology,Americanhis- tory, government and English awards. Qualificationsfor t h e schol- arship were (1) must be a re- turning sophomore, (2) must have a 3.5 or better average, (3) have a good mo r a l char- acter, (4) be receiving no other scholarship, (5) e x h i b i t the traits of a good citizen, and (6) have a definite need for finan- cial assistance.

5' SHERRI W'HINNERY @SM Scholarship I Given Carthage's Sherri 4a Whinnery 'HATTIEXBURG - Sherri Re- gina Whinnery, daughter of Mr. and !Mrs. R. H. Whinnery, Car- bhage, has been named recipient de a scholarship for 1970-71 at the University of Southern ,Missis- @pi awarded by Mr. and Mdm. Fred R. Adams, Jr., of Jack- son. fMiss Whinnery is a graduate a$ Walnut Grove High School and East Central Junior College ifi Decatur, receiving ah A. A. degree. While at EICJC, she was elected to Phi Theta Kappa, 1 junior allege academic hon- 1 wary fraternity, and ohe the i Ball of Faime. I i I :At Southern she is a junior, I majoring in home economics, and a Dean's List sleholar. : 'The scholarship is one of two I annual awards to "capable and $serving students in the best 5 interest d the university" by ? Vr. and Mrs. Adams, both of m h m are USM alumni.

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