Is Featured In Article
A receltt edition of the Rankin County Press contained a fea- ture article on Gwen May, daughter of Mr. andMrs, James May of Forest. Gwen is Rankin County's As- sistant Extension Home Econ- omist and has been working a t the Rankin County courthouse since June of last year, After graduating fromForest in 1965, Gwen attended East Central Junior Collegeand later MSCW, graduatingwitha degree in Home Economics Education. ' ~o l l owi ngthat, she moved to Brandon and began her job a t $he courthouse. Gwen says her work offers , $he opportunity to work with young people. "We deal with more than 700 young people in the county in all areas of home and community life." 'We need a 4-H club in every community. With such, we could provide constructive activities f o r our youngpeople rather than leaving them to manage with the turn of the wind," Gwen says about her work. "If our adults v Ild take an interest in the lhvper development of their young, we could establish 4-H and other responsible organ- izations everywhere." Gwen plans to continue her career in youth development and ~ O D ~ S to begin work on her Master's in Home Economics o r Child Developmenta t MSCW.
Billy Rowzee, Outstanding College Athlete Billy Rowzee, son ofMr.and Mrs. Bill Rowzee of Decatur has been selected to appear in the 1970 Edition of Outstanding College Athletes of America. This honor is presented to America's top athletes who have made outstanding re- cords in academic studies a! well a s in sports. Billy is completing his sophmore year a t ECJC where he has ex- celled academically as well a s in football, having been named to the Honorable Men- tion All State Team in 1969 Billy was also an outstand- ing athlete a t Decatur High School having'lettered in foot. ball 4 years, serving a s Cap- tain his senior year, and he lettered in track 3 years. Other extra curricular acti. vities in high school includec science club, class officer during junior and senior year, Boy State Representative, member of Junior Play, paper staff and Most Handsome. Billy plans, to attend Miss. State next year.
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