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Pre-Mtu Student At ECJC Named Class Favorite Mark Hatcher, son of Mr. d Mrs. Garner Hatcher of Louisville, has been selected a sophomorefavorite in re- nt elections at East Central A pre-med student, Mark is tive in campusactivities. He a member of the ECJC yers, and was a member sf cast sf 'The Man Who e to Dinner" and will be





the spring




ECJC sophomore

STUDENT BODY OFFICER- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Jefferson Blackwell Union and a 1963 gr Union High School, Central Junior CollegeStuden Body Association for ne was a member of athlete, she participa basketball and track for fou years. At East Central s has been a member of P Theta Kappa and the Tenn and Track teams. Lucy Young of Morton serve as President of Student Body, with Deb Pearson as Vice Preside and Melinda Stuart of Sco Central a s Secretary. Th is the first time in the histo Student Body officers will b girls. + I, graduate, Miss Bla ceived the Annual

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. Sonny Hardy ' I s Summer ' BSU President Sonny Hardy, son of Mr . and j Mrs. Curtis Hardy of Rt. 4, $ Union, has been electedto erve i as president of the Baptist Stu- dent Union during summer 5 school at East Central Junior ; College. Hardy has been active In D;p during the past summer.

STUDENT BODY PR&- DENT--Richard Eakes, son of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Eakes of Philadelphia, has been elected as president of the StudentBody Association at East Central Junior College, Decatur. Eakes is active in numerousactivities at East Central. He will serve as president of the SBA for the school year 1971-72.

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