At East Centri editor of the school newspaper Tom-Tom, and was elected t theClassified Hall of 1 Fame. as a junior at Sou
thern, Linda is entertainment editor of The Student Print2 campus newspaper, and is member of the Southern Jow nalism Society and the G@$ Hurst Chapter of the Stden Education Association. She wb elected to serve as recordiq secretary of the Mississipp, State SEA. With a double major in English and journalism, sh is minoring in secondary edu cation. The L. & A. Contracting Co has been in business for mor~ than 20 years, operatinginman, Southern states, withheadquar ters in Hattiesburg. Member of the firm are 0. L. Sims president; Ray A. Sims, vic president; and Harley L. Sims secretary-treasurer. The scholarship of $500 wa established by the companylas s umme r, to be administera through the USM Foundation and is designatedfor "a capabl and deserving USM student.' One of more than 60 "name' scholar IS at Southern, it i * . , . ..
L i nda La t hem I s F i rs t Rec i p i en t O f Scho l arsh i p Linda M. Lathern, daught4 of Mr. and Mrs. Jim B. La- them of Sehastopol, has been , chosen by a special faculty com- mittee to be the first recipient of the L. &A. ContractingCom- pany Scholarship at the Uni- versity of SouthernMississippi. A graduate of SebastopolHigh School and East Central Junior College, Miss Lathemwas vale- dictorian of her class at both institutions, and achieved maw
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