Piig & 6 --::: School Disaster P1·eparedness Meeting SchedUled At ECJC DECATUCT The killer series being sponsored over the discuss the new accreditation emergencies. tornadoes which hit Mississippi state by the State Department in requirements d u r i n g the To be distributed at the half recently e m p h a s i z e the cooperation with the State Civil meeting. day workshop are copies of the importance of being prepared. Defense Council, local civil "In the event of a disaster or Eew State Department o f Educators and school board defeno:e directors. and the Civil Pmergency such as a fire, Education booklet, · •Civil members from five counties are Defense University Extension tornado. hurricane, bomb threat. Defense Guide for Mississippi invited to attend the School Program at Ole :VJiss. 01 enemy nllclear attack, the Schools." The book! et . Administrators beginning at 9 Requirement school administrator's greatest containing some 45 pages, is am. Thursday, March 4, at NPw sch o o 1 accreditation area of responsibility is the based 011 a review of material East Central Junior College in regulations require that all protect.ion and safety of from some 50 states. Decatur: . . pupi_ls_ be instructed ii? ~he area stude~1ts, facul~y, and property," I Participants in the program \· Counties involved m the of civil defense. Admm1strators said Dr. Garvm .Tohnsto~, state tare as follows: s y l vest er, , meeting are_ as follows: Leake, ~re also asked .to have an up-to- superintendent of educat10n. Holloway, E. E. Polk. assistant Neshoba, Newton, Scott, and oate school disaster plan for Top~cs . . . supervisor of civil defense Winston. emergencies caused by .natural Conference topics will mclude education for the state . ~· P. Sylvester, co?rdinator of or man-made disasters. . the r?les of the school boa·rd, Department; Dr. c. v. Wright, c1v1l defnese educat10n for the Dr. Joe E. Holloway, director, supermtendent, and oth~r sClhool president East Central Junior State Department of Education. Division of Instruction, State personnel before, durmg, and Collee:e. ' said the conference is part of a Department of Education, will after the o c c u r e n c e of Al.- 0 D s· 'ti d' t . so. . . m1 1.
irec or, Civil Defense University of l\Iississippi Extension Program (CDUEP); Cecil Thomas and Jim Reeves. CDUEP staff I members: D. d. Munro. I dire.cotr. Jack.·son cffice, u.· S. WC'athcr Bureau. .L ~------
Junior Colleges Vital • • By JOHN PERKINS
bished football stadium. Dr. Ch arles Wright, president of East Central, noted the grnwth of the junior col– lege - or community college as it is called in many places- throughout the nation dur– ing the past decade, with institutions rang– ing in size froin Miami-Dade and its 27.000 student body to the smaller schools such as East Central and Scooba. Area Fortunate This section of the state is fortunate to have as many junior colleges, and their allied vocational and training programs, witb East Central here, East Mississippi at Scooba, Meridjan JC, Jones Junior College ai Ellisville a11d private junior colleges in Clarke Memorial at Newton, Wood at Math– iston and Southeastern Baptist at Laurel. Junior colleges, with their var.ied and less expensive programs, are becoming more and more significant in the American high– er education picture. A quick visi t to-Decatur focuses the pros– pective value of such schools even sharpei·.
DECATUR - East Central J unior College is expanding on its role as a vital educa– tional factor in the area. The Decatur junior college, long a signi– ficant provider of educational opportunities for the small tow11s and rural communities of the East Central hill counties, has a flock of new facilities already built or under construction to provide enriched programs for its students. A drive a 1 round the campus after the ab– sence of several years is an eye-opener for visitors such this writer. On C;ampus for an area industrial devel– opment workshop, held in the recently-built fine arts center, one could not help but be impressed by the vitality and progressive outlook of East Central. There are alert. friendly and potentially– bright students bustling about and new facilities ra nge from the fine arts center and physical education complex to agricul– tural and technical buildings and a refur-
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