· ECJC Festival .Of Fine Arts Set April 24
of music of such a nature that all att_ending will find something to enJoy. The choir program will be made up of sacred and secular works. The band portion of the program will he made up of the full concert and stage bands.
East Central to host junior" college choral .. fest., March 6
grams followed by another rehearsal of the combined choirs. The evening concert will begin at 7 p,m. in Huff Mem– orial Auditorium. This pro– gram will consist of a variecy program presented by small grou.P& from the varioos coll– eges represented. These numbers will be followed by · a concert bythemassedchoir, Guest director for the festival will be Dr. Robert E. Bays, chairman of the De– partment of Music, Universicy of Texas, Austin. Dr. Bays was formerly head of the Sch– ool of Music at George Pea– body College for Teachers. Dr. Bays is past president of the Southern Division of the Music Educators National Conference. He is widely known throoghout the South as a prominent educator and director and for his work in Mississippi with the state high school choral festival. The public is cordially invited to attend, There is no admission charge.
The annual junior college choral festival will be held at East Central Junior Coll– ege, Saturday, March 6. Registration will be from 8-9 a.m. The massed choir consisting of approximately 400 college singers from the state's public junior colleges will rehearse for two hours preceding programs by some of the junior college choirs. The afternoon session will consist of the remainder of the choirs presenting pro-
The fourth annual Festival of Fin~ Ar~ will begin at 7 p. m., April 24, m the Fine Arts Center
On April 26 the community auditorium at East Central chorus from Newton will present Junior College. a program of music that will be The opening concert will be both sacred and secular. For the • the sophomore recital by sacred _por~ion of the program Nenette Leatherwood and Clark they will smg portions of THE Measels. Miss Leatherwood and ELIJAH by Mendelssohn; the Measels are both talented latter part of t?e p~ogram will be vocalists who have starred in the ';fctder the direction of Clark ANN~ hGET youR: GUN. They 1 • .The final presentation will be a are t sol~1sts with the East .Readers Theatre under th Cen~ral Junior College choir. direction of Bruce Petersone Their program will consist of a · mixture of serious and light works. 1 musicals SOUTH PACIFIC and ams of Clar~e College.
On April 25, the ECJC Choir and . Band will present their ' annual program that will consist
the 14 schools represented, followed by a performance by the massed festival chorus. Musical numbers sung by the massed chorus included "Kyrie Eleison" by Lotti, "0 Lord, Our God" by Schvedov, "Come to Me and Rest" by Sjoland, "Every Time I Feel the Spirit" arranged by Dawson, "Sure on This Shining Night" by Barber, and selections from the musical "Oliver" . Junior colleges represented at the festival were: Copiah-Lincoln, East Central, East Mississippi, Hinds, Holmes, Itawamba, Jefferson Davis, Jones, Northeast, Northwest, Pearl River, Perkinston, Southwest, and Mississippi Delta. ~· Robert Fick is chairman of the music department at East Cen– tral,' and was responsible for local arrangements. East Central will serve again as host of the Junior College Choral Festival next year. 5
East Central Junior College Hosts JC Choral Festival
Five hundred fifty students from 14 public junior colleges in Missis– sippi participated in the Annual Mis– sissippi Junior College Choral Festi– val that was held this year on the campus of East Central Junior Col– lege in Decatur. Working under the the guidance of Dr. Robert E. Bays, chairman of the music department at the Uni– versity of Tex~s in Austin and guest clinician for the festival, the massed chorus of 550 singers rehearsed four hours in preparation for the evening concert. During the day, choruses from par– ticipating colleges presented a se– ries of concerts. The evening concert consisted of a variety program of ensembles from
MAY, 1971
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