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East Central To Host Drug Abuse Session

11 30\10 direction of S. G. Seymore, will present a concert. In addition to other standard band works, the band will play sev– eral compositions by Seymore. On May 5 the East Central Choir, under the direction of Mrs. Milton Thornton, will pre– sent a concert of sacred and popular choral works. Al– so to be heard will be the choral ensembles of the col–

~)1o bc; U evr1ocv-°'+– Arts Festival Announced At East Central

"The Drug cent in Mississip– pi" is one of several topics to be discussed during the Drug Abuse Workshop to be held Feb. 24, 25, 26 at East Central· Junior College, Decatur. The public is invited. More than 100 educators from nine counties are expect– ed to attend this seventh in a series of 10 drug workshops be– ing conducted over the state, according to Dr. Garvin Johns– ton, state superintencten'f'· of education. The series is being sponsor– ed by the Division of Instruc– tion in the State Department of Education, in cooperation with the U. S. Bureau of Narcotics .and Dangerous Drugs, the . Miss. .Junior College Associ- ation, the Miss. Highway Safe- 1 ty Patrol, and Miss. State Hos- ! pital. [ Dr. Johnston said, "The pur– pose of these workshops is to help inform teachers and stu– dents about the dangers of .drug abuse. Hopefully, those who at– tend the workshops will share their new knowledge with others in their local schools." . Dr•. James Parkrµan, super– visor of alcoho1 and narcotics education for ~he ,St,ate Depart– ment, said .the counties· invol– ved .in the East Central work– shop _ ~ follows: Smith,

THE NESI May Queen will be presented and there will be entertainment for the queen and all of her court. All concerts will be held in the Fine Arts Center on the East Central Junior College campus. The art exhibit will be open all week.

Jasper, Clarke, Lauderdale, Newton, Scott, Kemper, Ne– shoba, and Leake. Among the featured speakers at the Decatur workshop, which will begin at 8:45 a. m. Wed– nesday, are educators, law en– forcement agents, and mem– bers of the medical profession, as well as students. Program participants for the three-day session are as fol– lows: Dr. Parkman, Wyatt Tul– l'.ls, assistant supervisor, driver and safety education, and Mrs. Elva Smith, supervisor of school nurses, all of the Miss. State Department of Education. Toby Wood, chief of police, Belzoni; H. Dean Paulus, spec– ial agent in charge of the Jackson office, U. S. Bureau of ' N a r c o t i c s and Dangerous Drugs; Eldridge E. Fleming, director, Education and Alco– hol Program, Mental Health Complex, Tupelo. Dr. Robert M. Ritter, direc– tor of research psychiatric ser– vices, Miss. State Hospital, Whitfield; Dr. Lewis Nobles, president, Miss . College; Dr. W. L. Jaquith, director, Miss. State. Hospital; Freddie Hen.– ders:m, Jackson State College graduate student, and Gene Abbott, Ole Miss Pharmacy stud Mt.

The East Central Junior Col– lege annual Festival of Fine Arts will be held Sunday, May 3, through Thursday, May 7. lege. The opening will consist of a sophomore recital and an art exhibit. Featured in the

On Wednesday, May 6, the recital will be: Joyce Free- combined choirs of the De– man, soprano, of Decatur; Nona catur Baptist and Methodist Massey, pianist from I.a.ke; and Churches will present a sacred Ronnie White, tenor from concert. The youth choirs will Beulah Hubbard. present the cantata "Josepll The art exhibit, under the and the Amazing Technicolo1 directi® of George Alexander, Dreamcoa.t" by Andrew Web– will feature art works from ber. The adult choirs will around the state. These events present a varied program oi are scheduled for Sundayafter- sacred works. The choirs will noon at 2:30 p.m. The Decatur · be under the direction of Mrs. Women~-s Progressive Clubwill Milton Thornton. be in charge of refreshments. The annual May Day program On May 4 at 7:30 p.m. the will be held Thursday, May 7, East Central Band, under the at 6 p.m. At this time the


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