the Senior Dramatic Club and the Tiger Roars. During his senior year he was elect- ed the senior class favorite and best all round in the Who's Who. To prove his capability a s a leader further, Sam was elected president of East Central's freshman class in 1968. The office of vice president will be filled by Travis Kelly. Travis, the son of Mr. and
Nanell Evans Elected ECJC SBA Officer Officers of the Student Body association of ECJC were re- cently elected in campuswide balloting. They include: Sam Bounds of Lawrence, presi- dent; Travis Kelly of Car- thage, vice president; Nanell Evans of Liffle Rock, secre- tary; and Dottie Horn of For- est, treasurer. Sam Bounds, whowas elected president of the SBA, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. R;W. Bounds of Lawrence. He will succeed the outgoing presi- dent, Barry Irons. Gradua- ting from Newton HighSchool, Sam was the president of the Senior Piarc and hol~nged - v- - -
staff of the Tiger Howl.
Liberal Arts, was cretary of SBA. daughter of Mr. a 0. Evans, finished at Little Rock with
tive years, secretary and late president d 4-H, and vic president of the Beta Club She was a member of t h ~ band and served for threc years a s drum major. Alonl with the other honors, shealsc received the Math award f o ~ two years and the Englisl award for one year. Next year's treasurer wit be another liberal a r t smajor Dottie Horn of Forest. Dottie the daughter of Mrs. Jeal Horn, displayed many out, standing talents and abilitie~ all through high school. Shc was a member of the Futurr Teachers of America, the Fu ture Homemakersof America, Beta Club, F Club, basketball and track teams, andthepape staff. She was also a clas, afficer and went to Girl' State.
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