I JOE LEE ANlXaIW Joe Anthony Elected To ECJC Office
Karen Cooper A 'Favorite' At East Central
Karen Cooper of Carthage has been elected a sophomore favorite a t East Central Junior College. Miss Cooper is a member of Women's Intramurals and the ECJC Players. Other winners in the annual / Who's Who contest include Lucy Young, Morton, Miss / ECJC and Mickey Sessions, 1 Forest, Mr. ECJC. Sophomore favorites include Barbara Sue Ezell, Decatur; Cindy Cornelius, Ohio; Joe Lee 1 Anthony, Sebastopol; Mark Hatcher, Louisville; L a r r y Snowden, Newton. Freshman favorites include Annette Brignac, Forest; Judy Clark, Philadelphia; Betty Nes- / ter, Lake; Freddie Bagley, Forest; Ben Dance, Philadel- phia; and Jack Evans, Decat- ur. Gwyn Hardin, sophomore of Sebastopol, will serve as May Queen and Wanda Duke, Jack- I son sophomore, will serve a s maid of honor. Joe Tadiock of Pulaski was / elected Most Handsome. I
BETTY BQRSEY 8 . *Betty Dorsey
Jm ib A n m e Son of W. 43m3 ms* x d . K , d * Ylaswpcill. has bsen elected %I- dmt lk&~ Associatlm rewe- sentat&e for the WBbOmBr01 class at ]East CentFal Junior w q e . At East Central, An t hw is a member cd the s m t W- teritt~e. A graduate dSeb&sbogof kW, Anthony was m active patacipant In many actMties. He %ern&as vlce msidBnt, d the Future F m e m al Amertca, YFiCe psident d the b6lulS, as a class ~ f f l a r and m s elected Yamg Man of tfre, Year. kwhfmy was valadictmian d hfs class, a member of Who's WIm, Q t t f S q Twww d b e r i a :and received nu- memw aQ3nlet.f~ awards,Hewar rwipient d the Msbw am* English awafdand~ingaward. After gradation, Anthmw plans to attend the Unfv%rsi@ QQ BIEIssisrippi Law Sehd and rnS$lb~ippi Stat 0 wvemil3' with a i h a j o r ia political
, -Named Reporter Of ECJC Players Betty Dorsey, daughter of , Mr. and Mrs. James H. Dorsey of Edinburg, has been elected reporter of the ECJC Players a t East Central Junior College. ' A graduate of Edinburg High School, Miss Dorsey was in . v Who's Who, editor of the year- :'hook, a class officer, a mem- :_her of the paper staff,_a Li- -:brary Club office?, a member -.of chorus and of the" Future -*flomemakers of America. Miss _:Dorsey was also an honor grad- ::,uate and a participant in the - : ~ e ~ k e County Junior Miss Pag- \. kant in 5969. At East Central Miss Dorsey '; is a member of the ECJC .=Players, on the annual staff, a member of the Baptist " m t union and the ehoir. ,
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