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Leaving last Thursday from East Cen- dents were among the 18 who at- tral Junior College, these h o m e tended with their sponsor, Mrs. Ruth economics students attended the two- Hull. They were Cindy Crowson, Judy , day National Home Appliance Con- White, Faye Smith, Karen Lee, and ' ference a t the Roosevelt Hotel in New Connie Massey. the exhibits, and the informal Five County discussions outlined the roles of aducators, editors, and in-.
StudentSAt Conference Five East Central Junior Collsge students from Winston County were among 18 possible future Ho d e Economists at the college who with their sponsor, Mrs. Ruth Hi~ll,last weekend atter,ded the two-day National Home Appliance Conference at the Roosevelt Hotel in New Orleans. They were Cindy Crowson, Judy White, Faye Smith, Karen Lee and Connie Massey. The program for the 23rd educational conference em- phasized changes. in our space age homes, and was designed f o r leaders in'edneation and consumer information. The ationally recognized speakers.
dustry in working together to inform and educate the con- s ume r in the rapidly changing society. a s space age technology move; into the homa. The program also p r ~ s e n t e d the basic facts modern home- makers need to know to use appliance servants effectively, and gave practical information on safety, homemaking tech- niques, servicing and budget- ing. 3 The theme of the conference, The Inside Story, presented a two-way exchange between manufacturer and consumer ropresentatives. Other counties represented from ECJC were, Nashoba, N ~ w t o nSrott and Leake
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