I~ornecolnin~ At EC JC b Set For November 7
Reigning over homecoming major oil companies'unfi 1954. activities will be Cindv Corneli- / h 1954 Sims moved to Phila- us, a sophomore from New Car- lisle, Ohio. delphia where he runs Leon Sims Tax Service and does ac- counting work. He is married to the former Virginia Sanders of Memphis.
Miss Cornelius will be a'ttend- ed by Pam Bray, Betty Nester, Carla Carpenter, freshman maids; Debbie Pearson, maid of honor; Brenda Hollingsworth, Karen Cooper and Kitty Wag- ner, sophomore maids. Alumni will be welcomed back to campus by members of the studerrr hospitality commit- tee. Alumni registration booths will be set up in the fover of the Fine Arts Performing Center. Here re~urninggraduates may join the Alumni Association and purchase tickets for the alumni banquet and homecoming game. Events for the day include homecoming parade-3-3: 45 p. m. dedication of new physical education building--4-4:dO p. m. open house--4:30-5 p. m., alum- ni business meeung-5-5:45 p. m., alamni banquet47 p. m., and homecoming game-7:30 p. m. To be honored at the alumni Danquet is Leon Sims of Phila- ielphia, alumnus of the year. A native of House, Miss., Sims 3egan high school in 1923 at the East Central Agricultural High School. In 1924 Sims dropped out of jchool to spend some time in . .. " ' " r Crippled m -
Overall chairman for home- coming activities is Thomas Thrash. Thrash is being as- sisted by numerous student and 'fac'ulty commihees.
ECJC ROYALTY - Participating i n the fortieth annual homecoming festivities a t E a s t Central Junior College, Decatur, Miss., are, f rom left to right, P a m Bray, Hickory; Betty Nlester, Lake ; Carla Carpenter, Hickory: Debbie Pearson, maid ( -
honor, Lake; Cindy Cornelius, queen, New Carlisle, Ohio; Brenda Hollingsworth, Newton; Karen Cooper, Morton; and Kitty Wagner, Newton. - Photo by
Harvey Willis.
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