RIHm-nwHs Of The Year Leon Sims, 63, highly suc- cessful Philadelphia tax ac- countant, has been paralyzed from the waist down and p a r - tially paralyzed in his a r m s since infancy, but has earned his living for 42 years. know," said Winstead. "He asks no odds, no favors. He makes his own way, i s honest and capable. " Winstead said Sims had "ren-
pendent in splrlt then, a s ne is today," said Winstead. In 1932, Sims entered Cum- berland University, Lebanon, Tenn., to study business law. He' was graduated in 1933, and launched his business in Phila- delphia. Sims did title wark and brokerage work for major oil companies and others. In 1955, he established his ac- counting office, Leon M. Sims Tax Service. '-Leon Sims has done exceed- ingly well in his business, and i s well-known and respected," Winstead stated. "I've done no mo r e than any man, given the opportunity, ought to do," Sims said. Of the Vocational Rehabilita- tion Division program, he said: "Vocational Rehabilitation is doing a wonderful work. It made a change in my life. It got me up out of the dust where I could make a living."
dered a great service to the r u r a l people of Neshoba county by helping the eligible to s e - cure Social Security coverage." He pointed out that Sims has been "highly successful in his work and i s married to one of Philadelphia's loveliest women," the former Virginia Sanders, of Memphis, a nurse at the Indian Center. Born near Union in Neshoba county to the late B. F. Sims and Mrs. Sims. Leon at two and a half years was stricken (continuedon Me 2) with poliomyelitis. The disease left the little boy completely paralyzed in his legs, and par- tially paralyzed in his a rms . Until h e . was 16, Leon got about only by crawling o r by being carried. Enrolled a s a ninth grade student a t Newton County Agricultural High School (now East Central Junior Col- lege), Decatur, the youth was carried up and down s t a i r s and to and from classes by willing schoolmates. In 1924, through the a s - sistance of the Civilian (now Vocational) Rehabilitation Di- vision, State Department of Ed- ucation, young Sims entered the Hospital f o r Crippled Adults in Memphis. There f o r a period of six months he underwent three operations to lengthen the tendons of his legs. He was fitted with braces, and furnished crutches. Leon stayed out of school through 1925, learning to walk for the f i r s t time, with the use of his braces and crutches. He completed Newton AHS in 1928, and for four y.ears eked out a living a s a part-time salesman of office supplies. "It was hard going--right in 'the middle of the de- pression--but Leon Sims never cAmnl~.ined H e was inde- --LEON SIMS (Continued from page 1)
Last Saturday night Sims was named "Alumnus of the Year" by the East Central Junior Col- lege Alumni Association and honored at the Association's annual banquet on the campus. State Welfare Commissioner Arthur Winstead, life-long friend and former jolmate, presented Sims a plaque, and paid Pribute to his life and work. "Leon Sims deserves more credit than any individual I .-
, 9rthur Winstecid Honored A S I ECJC's Alumnus Of Year ' DECATUR - Arthur Win-/tended East Central when stead, Commissioner of the Mis- was the Decatlir Agricultural sissippi Department of Public High School. His winters and Welfare, has been named Alum- summers were interspersed nus of the Year, 1969, by East with teaching and being taught Central Junior College. He was as he continued his education esented a gold plaque and at Clark Memorial College and rtificate a t ceremonies a t the University of Southern Missis- lcollege homecoming and was sippi. He received a Bachelor of /the honored guest a t the alumni Science degree from the latter 1 banquet recently. lapd did c&duatp -+ +LO ilumni Association President = - -
1 ~v~dstonMcMullan of Decatur 1 cited Commissioner Winstead's 1 outstanding contributions to the betterment of humanity in his state and nation throughout his career a s educator, congress- man, private citizen and wel- fare head. The Welfare Commissioner at-
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