
'East Central, EMJC Settle North Lead

Riv·als Vie Tomorrow In Decatur By BO KING

DECATUR - Two completely different teams lake the field against each other here Thurs– day night . . one offensively minded while the other has an outstandin§! defense. Thus the setting is made for what cou ld be one of the most exciting junior college contests of the season when East Missis– sippi (whi ch has preference to the name Scooba) takes its po– tent offense to face the chal– lenge of East Central (prefer– ably called Decatur) and its superb defensive machine. Last .1·ear the two teams met in Scooba with the homestand- 1 ing Lion s coming out on the But Decatur didn ·t have to 1rnit until this season for re· jvcnge. Nor did the Warriors long end of a 17-0 score .

ECJC'S INTERIOR LINE will be a nchored tomorrow night by (left to right) guard Eddie Bethune, centers Tyle r , Lewis a nd J immy May, and gu ard Bob Smylie. The War- riors host <1rch rival East Mississ ippi in a 7:30 game tha t will dec ide mid-season leadership in the North Division

race .

- Sta ff Photo By John Henry

1 even have to show up for a foot- 1 ball game to pay the Lions seconds remaining in the g<1me. ways of cracking that solid wall ,ba ck. I Scooba. on the other hand ..thrown up b~· Decatur. 1 They merely won a flip of a called on the No. 2 Sout.h team ! "Irs gonna be tough to move I coin ... and ah . sweet revenge Pearl River. and was soundly the ball against that Lough de– :without even raising so much beaten. 48-25 in a mistake-filled ,tense of theirs," Buckner re- as one drop of perspiration on performance. !lated. 1 anyone·s forehead. Presently Scooba and Deca- "Ifs gonna be real tough ] The aforementioned flip of the tur are tied for the lead in the j'cause I know he's (Pounce~· ) coin came after both Scooba North Division with 2-0 records O'Ol one of the toughest defens<:>s and Decatur ended regular sea- /as Scooba 's other Joss came also ' ~ve'll see this year." son play with 7-3 records and at the hands of a South Division 1 Probably the biggest loom– th usly the North Division Cham- team. Copiah-Lincoln in the ca- ing fact.or in the game is the pions were Elecided in an orfice son opener. So, still more im- fact that both teams literally rnther than on the football portance reigns within the11rore themselves out in Satm– field . grude-battle that is to come ... lday night games last week and So, all in all. both teams have like the North Division title. /going into this meeting Thurs– revenge on their minds . . . "We knov-i: they'll throw the day night they'll have only four Scooba for the coin and Deca- ball a lot." said Decatur Coach !day·s rest ... provided one can tur for the 17-zip. Ken Pouncey. "because theyJcall tough practices on Monday Decatur has lost but one game have in all the games they've and Tuesda~· rest. And another thing - only two and Scooba has been felled "They 've probably got as goocl 1 days of preparations for one ,twice in five outings. Both will la passing attack as any team lanother. !be coming off losses from last in the state ," Pouncey went on. I So rather than the def'cn ~e week's ventures. "We'll have to stop that of- against the offense it looks as Decatur visited the No. 1 fensive attack any way we though it may turn out to be team in the South Division and can." !the guts against the guts witil was beaten on a seven-yard \ In the meantime. Coach Billy he tiredest squad taking the touchdown pass with only 13 IBuckner of Scooba is devising 1 worst end. 1 this season after winning three played so far.

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