Rain Doesn't Stop 'Mame ' By DOROTHY THOMPSON (Opinion) It couldn't have been a that her every line was distinct. Her best song came in mid-Act fast-moving , but in a couple of places Cousin Fan·s be:;t lines were lost in the music :md II - "If He Walked Into My
"rainier" night, to paraphrase a line from the play "Mame" , but, the East Central Junior College production of that play last night still had almost a full house that gave a rousing standing ovation to the cast. "Mame" is a bubbly, enthusiastic character, and the play is a colorful slice from the life of a woman who always lands on her feet. The production was in its fourth night and the entire cast worked tremendously together. Evelyn Pierce made a delightful and lovely Mame. Her stage presence was very good: her voice projected so
chorus .
The chorus throughout 1 id an
Charles, was done in good style by Cheryl Gibbon, who handled the role of the overly-dramatic I must comment on the costuming for both. It was really a well-chosen wardrobe, always contrasting the two women so that each stood out in Some others in an overall good cast were: Julie Wright as the unfortunate Agnes Gooch, who took Mame's advice to Vera quite well. her own way.
"Perkerwood" scene wa<; their
Though space docs not w~nnit the mentioning of all ca-.;t, crew, orchestra and chorn'> members, the entiJ e r,rou1 Peterson, is to l cummemled Musical direction for the r;lay i-; by Bob Heritage and .Tm1.e·; Incidentally, this is th<' lUth annual spring musical of the ECJC Theatre and th;s is tlw along with Di;·er.1~or Bruce Dykes.
college's 50th anrnversarv.
be spoiled by a sl~ght wardro oroblem but she .handled-the.e- - --'P"-P ~ J, '- i "' ~ituation like a trouper. Tammy Taylor as final performance. Cl'rt::-i11 tirn{· is 7:30. .... ADVICE FROM MAM~ - Evelyn Pierce a'i Mame g:ve .~111"'.;:, advice in song to her nephew Patrick (Tammy Tayfo,_' ;_{; "Open A New Window" fr9m the play "Mame'', which nms through tonight at East Central Junior College.
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