ECJC spring musical... 'Mame' tickets_ are on sale,
invited to attend. Tickets can be purchased from the ECJC Business Office or by calling 635-2121. Curtain time will be 7:30 p.m. for all per– formances With all seats Teserved. Iii celebration of the tenth anniversary of the spring musical, at the college, par– ticipants in all previous pro– ductions are requested to attend the last performance of the year's production. They are reminded by Direc– tor Peterson to purchase tickets early before the Fri– day performance of "Mame" is .sold out.
Evelyn Pierce will star as Mame. The supporting roles include Cheryl Gibbon as Vera, Julie Wright as Agnes Gooch, · Ken Hackinan as Beau, Tammy Taylor as Patrick, and Randy Adair as Older Patrick. Try-outs for the parts in the musical were held Feb– ruary 14. To try out, each person had to sing if they wanted singing ·parts and also read certain lines in different scenes. "The spring musie&l is sure to be a _success this year because of all the time and effort put into it. Everyone is
East Central Junior Col– lege now celebrating its fif. tieth anniversary will also celebrate its tenth anniver– sary of spring musicals with the upcoming performance of ' "Mame". This year's pro- duction of "Mame" will be presented Monday through Friday, April 9-13. Work on the project is already well. underway. The play will employ the services of approximately 100 students, including actors, dancers, musicians, the chorus, and those working backstage. The casting has been done, and rehearsals are in pro– gress. The first musical presen– ted was Oklaboina in 1970. This was followed by Soada PllClllc in 1971, Annie, Get Yom Gan in 19n, Bello, Delly in 1973, Camelot in 1974, My Fair Lady in 1975, Gypsy in 1976, Paint Yoar Wagon in 1977, and The Soand of Mule in 1978. Directing this year's pro– duction is Bruce _Peterson, ECJC drama instructor. Bob Heritage, voice instructor, will direct the music, while Ovid Vickers, English in– strµctor, will be in charge of choregraphy. Mrs. Marian Thornton, chairperson of the music division, will be piano _ accompanist. All others asso– ciated with the production are ECJC students.
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