JAN WALlW, d.ughhr d Mr. and Mrr. Jaws E. W.2- tml,ofUnionh.,imnekcl. ed historian of the brio Eeonomkr Club at East c m tral J do r Collw. A gaduate of Uldm Hi#b School, MiuWd h n was vrl- 4dwi.n of hor dm, a ~ o i t I I e ~ E *
KAnn McELHtNHEY, &. Mr. andMrs. 60. PW McElhcmy of h t w , has kun d.ctrd tr0aSur.r of th. Home Economics Club d Bast Contral Junlor Col- m- A gr.dua)s of h c & r High Sdrool, MissMcElhcnneywas D member d ?On Sot. Club. At East Central, Mlr Me- Elhmmy k an tho prpw ,tM. m-
nomks Club, prrddent d th. Junior Gardon Club, a d 8 mmkr of tha m a Ckk. gh.w.raheth@rrdpkn,of - Ilw Amer4arn Hstory Award and Homo BaonomicsAwal.
attad Mirriuippi Stik Uni. I After grukr.tion_ trom E.rt Central, MissWalton ~kns to
I PRESENTED PLAY - - The East Cen- cast members were, standing left to r a l Junior College players presented right, Randy Brown, Robert Barnett, 5 their fall production, "You Can't Take and Bobby Breazeale, all of Philadel- It With You," Nov. 22 and 23 in the phia. Seated is Carolyn Carter of Fine Arts Center. In the above scene, Philadelphia.
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