
18. ~ r o m ECJC r At tend NHAC Eighteen future Home Econ- omists from East Central Junior College left Thursday with their sponsor, Mrs. Ruth _ Bull, for @'_National Home * Appliance Conference a t the I - Roosevelt Hotel in New Or- leans, La. The program for the twenty- third educational conference will emphasize changes in space age homes, and is de- signed for leaders ineducation and consumer information. The nationally recagnized s ~ e a k e r s exhibits and in- formal discussions outline the rules of educators, editorsand industxy in working tagether to inform and educate thecon- sumer in our rapidly changing society a s space age tech- nology moves into the home. The theme of the conference, THE INSIDE STORY, willpre- sent a two-way exchange between manufactuers and consumer representatives. Those attending from East Central are: Neshoba County- Maudine McAdory, Genie Cal- lahan; Newton County- Brenda Jones, Frances Breckenridge, Glenda McMullan, Jean Eth- ridge and Barbara Bonds; Winston County- CindyCrow- son, Faye Smith, Jude White, Karen Lee and ConnieMassey; I Scott County- Kathy Ezelle, Carmen Riser, Jackie Stegall, I and Glenda Jones; Leake Cou- ( nty-Pam Freeney and Sherri Whinnery. = . = '

Bufkin, Benny Buggs, Terry East Central JC case, Lenora Kelly, Rupert honor roll Killens, Margaret Mayes, Geraldine Miller. Glenda Ni-

chols, James powell, Patricia Reese, Margaret Roach, Cha- rles Scarbrough, Vivian Scoggin, Ronnie Shoemaker, Gordon Smith, Gary Tune; Sophomores, Alton Comans, Ronnie ClarkJohnson, Tommy Gene Jolly, Lawrence Land, Daniel Lindsley, JanMeaders, Chris Morgan, Robert S, Te- rrell, James Thaggard; Voca- tional, Calvin Cleveland, Harry Holt, John Knocken- muss, Jimmy Dale Page, Gary Spears and Willie Walls.

The following coun& students we listed on the honor roll at East Central Junior Coll- ege according to Frank Rives, registrar. (4.00 President's List) Freshman, Nenette Leather- wood, Betty Lynn Nester, Da- vid Wright; Sophomores, Wanda Blackwell, Jacquelyn Edwards, Barbara SueEzelle, Melissa Heard, Deborah Mc- Elhenney, Birdie Nell Mc- Mullan, Gerald Taylor; Voca- tional, Harold Hicks and (3.50 Dean's ListIFresh- men, Jerry Crawford, Barba- r a Deaton, Sandra Mason, Bruce Taylor; Sophomores, Barbara Bonds, David Cleve- land, Glenn Dennis, Hilda Ed- wards, Thomas A. Johnson, Linda Lewis, Jesse Moore, Debbie Pear son, Charles Waggoner and William Earl Wheeler. (3.00 Honorable Mention) Freshmen, Thomas M. An- derson, Carrie Blass, Janice ~ a m e s Rainer. Th i r t y - s e v e n s t u d e n t participated in graduatio exercises a t Ea s t Centra Junior College recently. Receiving the associate ot a r t s degree we r e J ack i e I Beeland, Johnnie Wayne Comans, Richard L. Gilmer, Linda Fayen McAdory, George I Vardaman Moore, Jr., Alice Marie Morgan, Kathy Parker, Milton Dean Richardson, Gary Lynn Tune, Barry Ward, and Paul Clifton Welch. 1 Vocational students who received certificates include Eddie Alexander, John At- I chley, Dwayne Burkes, Dennis Burroughs, Edward Cleveland, Glynn Cook, Bflly Eave s , Charles ~ a v e i , E r n e s t I Ferguson, Clarence Ha r r i s , Larry Henry, Mark Jordan, Purwood Knowles, J immy Madden, Bobby McDaniel, Ronald McMillan, Omer I Pa r ks , Warren Richmond, Grace Sherrod, Gary Spears, Willie Walls, Felix Wash, J r . , Johnnie Wilson, and John B. Wright. Brenda Thorne received a ] intensive business certificate -- - - - . -- iF ,at- v. i *-+ i EAST CENTRAL SUMMER GRADS ARE LISTED ''c+'-~

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Zountians Moke East Central Honor Roster Eight countians attendink Cast Central Junior Collegc verc listed on the first semes er honor roll and eleven other: vere accorded honorable men ion. Released this wee by Regis X rar Frank Rives, t e scholar y Leake students are: Specia Distinction with 4.00 average, - Wilson Ray Perry, fresh man; Danny Ray Babb, Har vdy Lyun Federick and J a n e ~l'itcher,vocational and part time students. Those with 3.50 averages an1 claiming distinction were: Jud, I Nell Clark, Evelyn Cooper an1 Billy Glenn Lindsay, all fresk men; and sophomore Sherl Whinnery. Given honorable mentio were: Reba J. Goolsby, Wand Kay Harrell, Sherrianne Hornt Deborah Ray, Patsy Thornto and Julius Turner, all fres1 men; Michael Edwards, Cec Ray Jordan, Tommy Robert: Elizabeth Slay and Sandr Waggoner, sophomores.


aycettes met last night in the home of Mrs. Gus Vallas and Mr. Bruce Peter- son, instructor a t E.C.J.C., h a s guest speaker. Next meeting will be December 8th a t 7:00 in the h-?le of Mrs. Joe Clark.

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