Warrior Magazine December 2018
Scholarship; Gillian Hitt, Jeffrey G. and Kathy Hitt Memorial Scholarship; Niley Craven, La-Z-Boy Scholarship; Landrey Godwin, Opal McMullan Dickerson Scholarship; Savannah Baucum, Robert G. Fick Scholarship; and Matthew Moore, Aaron R. Davis Scholarship; all of Newton County Academy. Oree Carmichael, Clyde B. and Flossie H. Goodson Scholarship; Elaina Pearson, Dr. Conrad Barnes Math & Science Scholarship; Hollie Horn, Dr. Earl L. Laird Sr. Scholarship and Nancy Harris Nursing Scholarship; Larry Reed, Dr. Shelby L. Harris Scholarship; Zack McMullan, Elton D. Wall Scholarship; Garrett Mills, James E. Land Memorial Scholarship; Nathan Lewis, Johnson Family Engineering Scholarship; Chris topher Mulford, La-Z-Boy Scholarship; Ethan McMullan, Martha Kate Tullos Hummel Scholarship; Stephen Wal ters, Newton Rotary Club Scholarship; Victoria Ferguson, Ona Mae Ethridge Scholarship; Laurel Shinn, Pam Harris Memorial Scholarship; Allyson Holling sworth, Paul V. and Voncile Breazeale Scholarship; Alexis Rover, Richard L. Harris Scholarship; Sarah Wright, T.T. Beemon Scholarship; Gavin Bailey, W. Clayton Blount Scholarship; Brianna Dailey, Warrior Golf Classic Alumni As sociation Scholarship; Joel Hill, Warrior Golf Classic Alumni Association Schol arship; and Rebekah Smith, Weems Family Scholarship; all of Newton County High School. Cortavius Robinson of Newton, BankPlus Scholarship. Madelyn Edwards, AT&T Scholarship; Orissa McDonald, James M. Vance En dowed Scholarship; Ty Duran, Missis sippi Land Bank Scholarship; and Jacob Robinson, W.R. Covington Scholarship; all of Noxapater. George Farid of Mississauga, On tario, Canada, Ann Burkes PTK Scholar ship. Kaehlyn Saxton, Charles and Judy Dowdle Thomas Scholarship; Chandler Posey, Jacob Stovall Memorial Scholar ship; Courtney Smith, Landon Bryan Burt Memorial Scholarship; Cherish McWilliams, Nellie Neill Cross Memorial Scholarship; and Matthew Smith, Rev. John Lambert Neill Memorial Scholar ship; all of Philadelphia. Sade Gammage of Scott Central, Coach Ken Pouncey Memorial Scholar ship. Emalee Rushing, Albert P. and Blanche W. Thompson Scholarship;
Bryce Callie Lott, AT&T Scholarship; Ethan Tharp, Cleveland Family Engi neering Scholarship; Colby Underwood, Dr. Howard Calton McMillin Scholar ship; Cedarius Bobbitt, J.C. White Schol arship; Alley Moulds, Kyle Dunkerson Memorial Scholarship; David Boykin, Polk and Jennie Pace Scholarship; Madison Leach, Shirley Renaud Memo rial Scholarship; Jenna McPhail, Wallace Strickland Rush Healthcare Systems Endowed Scholarship; and Skylar Belk, Willis Blum and Frances Blum Slagle Scholarship; all of Sebastopol. Alley Bernard of Southeast Lauder dale, Dr. Beverly (Henry) Oliphant-Mar tin Scholarship. Katie Wolverton, Citizens Bank of Philadelphia Scholarship; Baylee Rob inson, Dr. L.B. & Dixie Adkins Scholar ship; Destiny Jenkins, Jack and Mary Jo White Scholarship; Bailey Hedgepeth, Jessica Cager Memorial Scholarship; Macy Lott, Newton Rotary Club Scholar ship; Samantha Bishop, Pauline Mat thews Memorial Scholarship; Symone Cleveland, U.S. Electrical Motors Schol arship; Chloe Chapman, William Wade Long Memorial Scholarship; and Shania Moore, Willis “Bubba” Smith Scholar ship; all of Union. Katelyn Morson of Warren Central, Thomas Rudolph Mayes Scholarship. Ryan Ethridge, Alumni Association Lifetime Membership Scholarship; Maggie Wooldridge, Sylvia Ann Graham Haywood Memorial Scholarship; Jason Newbaker, Weems Family Scholarship; all of West Lauderdale. Blake Wyatt, Board of Trustees Scholarship; Marla Hudson, Classes of 1957, 1958 and 1959 Scholarship; and Lance Sanders, Ernest Harrison Boswell Memorial Scholarship; all of Winston Academy. Homeschoolers and other nontradi tional students receiving scholarships included Carrie Wolfe of Lake, Edwin and Marie Lowe Scholarship; Ciara Harris of Starkville, Hogue-Brantley Scholarship; Samantha McMullan, State Farm Insurance Scholarship, and Amanda Tero, Stella Weathersby New some Scholarship; both of Decatur; Amanda Konya, of Carthage James and Gloria McRae Scholarship; and Rachel Seibel, New Directions Scholarship, and Jeremy Seibel, Mississippi Automotive Manufacturers Association Scholarship, both of Lawrence.
Grantham, Dan T. Chatwood Scholar ship; Mary Wesley, Hubert D. Gilmore Scholarship; Roxanne Frith, R.O. and Bertha Hannah Scholarship; Kimberly Crotwell, Tony Dobbs Memorial Golf Scholarship; Khamiya Walker, Bank of Morton Scholarship; and Lexi Hannah, Bank of Morton Scholarship; all of Mor ton High School. Landon Weeks, Captain Charles E. Ward USN/RET Memorial Scholarship; Jarrett Bane, Charles P. and Bonnie Saxon Phillips Scholarship; Makinsie Clark, Dr. Beverly (Henry) Oliphant Martin Scholarship; Mackenzie John son, Dr. Margaret Mosal Scholarship; Savannah Watkins, Frank Edwin & Nena Holt Leatherwood Scholarship; Livia Bush, Hudspeth Scholarship; QuinnLee Nowell, Jones & Carrie Williamson and Bascom & Hattie Chisolm Memorial Scholarship; Madelyn Eubanks, Lavern and Elizabeth Vowell Memorial Scholar ship; Madison Boykin, Myrtle Hutchin son Scholarship; Kayle Reynolds, U.S. Electrical Motors Scholarship; and Dan iel Triplett, Wilks-Palmer Scholarship; all of Nanih Waiya High School. Katelyn Durant, Ben Myers Memo rial Scholarship; Hannah Stokes, Ben Myers Memorial Scholarship; Elijah Griffin, Dr. Vernon Clyde and Vashti Muse Endowed Scholarship; Taylor Harrison, East Central Scholars (Alumni Assoc.) Scholarship; Taylor Adcock, East Central Scholars (Thomas) Scholar ship; Caitlin Gray, East Central Scholars (Alumni) Scholarship; Dakota Bailey, Fred Preston Dallas and Maudie Threatt Dallas Memorial Scholarship; Court ney McNair, Johnson/Taylor Memorial Scholarship; Julia Rigdon, Prentice and Dorothy Copeland Scholarship; Jaiden Moore, Russell McCann Memorial Schol arship; AnneTaylor Adams, Sam Rush Memorial Scholarship; Madalyn Thomp son, Sam Rush Memorial Scholarship; Morgan McPhail, Sue Gunter Memorial Scholarship; Chreshun Horne, Taylor Machine Works - Machining Scholar ship; Isaiah Quick, Taylor Machine Works - Machining Scholarship; and Micah Burt, Taylor Machine Works - Welding Scholarship; all of Neshoba Central High School. Bailey McDill, BankPlus Annual Scholarship; Braxton Rose, Bobby Addy Memorial Scholarship; Bethany Weller man, Class of 1964 Endowed Scholar ship; Ciara Patterson, Donald Gray Triplett Scholarship; Zachary Finnegan, Frances Brown Crenshaw Nursing
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