Warrior Magazine December 2018
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and Future Farmers of America, who have also helped with the additions to get inspiration for their own projects. Mrs. Jill Wagoner at the Newton County Career-Technical Center has helped in sprouting of seeds and donating plants for fall projects. The Mississippi State Extension Service has also brought their own students to visit, work and taste in the garden, and every summer the kids in Culinary summer classes spend time in the garden and learn about growing food simply and naturally.” Karrh said he would love to have more involvement in the garden and make it a community endeavor. To find out more about the Culinary Garden and how individuals or groups might become involved or make dona tions, contact Karrh at bkarrh@eccc.edu or 601-635-6252.
Oliphant-Martin Faculty Excellence Grants continue to help EC students succeed
the computer lab, which will provide a safer student environment and also allow for a reorganized classroom promoting better instructor student interaction. Seven grant applica tions were submitted this year and selection criteria included items such as the number of students/staff positively affected, creativ ity, and the impact on the institutional commitments of Student Success and Teaching & Learning found in the college’s 2020 Vision strategic plan. “The Oliphant-Martin Grants support the proud educational tradition of East Central Community Col lege,” LeBlanc said. “I am ex cited to see these new items in action across campus.” The grants will be offered again in the fall of 2019.
priation reductions. This year, a $10,000 grant was awarded to the Science Division for updated labora tory equipment, allowing for a hands-on approach to learning science skills and a more rigorous science curriculum to better prepare students. The Collision Repair Technology and Automo tive Technology programs together were awarded a $5,000 grant to purchase Snap Circuit Trainers, which will provide students in both programs with training simulation and real-world application of electronic diagnosis. Also receiving a $5,000 grant was the Mathemat ics and Computer Science Division which plans to purchase flip-top tables and wiring to conceal all exposed components of
lence fund also support two Oliphant-Martin Foundation Scholarships, the Class of 57, 58, & 59 Foundation Scholarship, and various other Foundation scholar ships annually. “Beverly and John have been extremely generous to East Central for many years,” said David LeBlanc, director of alumni relations and the foundation. “The importance of their overall support to the foundation and to this grant program in particular can’t be overstat ed. Through their gifts, the Martins continue to make a positive impact on students and faculty at East Central.” The grant program was developed two years ago to assist the academic divi sions, career & technical programs, and healthcare curriculums on campus in dealing with state appro
For the second year in a row, the East Central Com munity College Foundation has awarded Oliphant Martin Faculty Excellence Fund Grants to various college departments to fund purchases that will enhance the college’s institutional commitments of Teaching & Learning and Student Suc cess. The East Central Com munity College Faculty Excellence Fund, established in 1997, was renamed in 2010 to the Oliphant-Martin Faculty Excellence Fund to acknowledge the generous contributions of alumna Dr. Beverly Henry Oliphant-Mar tin (’58) and her husband, John Martin. The Martins have been consistent annual contribu tors to the Foundation for nearly a decade and in ad dition to the faculty excel
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