Policies & Procedures Manual
Policy No: 807.1
Policy Contact: Vice President for Student Services
Policy Title: ATHLETIC DEPARTMENT DRUG TESTING PROCEDURES It is the goal of East Central Community College (ECCC) and its Athletic Department to operate a drug free athletic program. It is our position that a drug free program is to the benefit of the College, the community, and especially each of the athletes contributing to the total athletic program. As a means toward this end and in consideration of the College allowing the undersigned student athlete to participate in the College’s athletic program(s), the College’s Athletic Department will conduct drug tests as a part of the pre-season physical examination and will conduct unannounced drug testing on all athletes involved with varsity athletics at ECCC. Testing will continue throughout the year on a program-wide, unannounced random basis. An athlete can also be tested when a college official has reason to believe that he/she is under the influence of illegal drugs or they are found in possession or vicinity of illegal drugs either on or off campus. The test will monitor for evidence of the most popular controlled substances and their derivatives plus any other illegal controlled substances deemed necessary. The following steps will be taken when an athlete tests positive: 1. After the first positive test, the Director of Athletics, Head Coach, and Vice President for Student Services will meet with the student. 2. When a sample of an athlete tests positive, another test on that urine specimen will be conducted to assure that no error has occurred. 3. The Director of Athletics will notify the parents/guardians of those athletes by certified letter. 4. The Athlete will be told that another drug test will be given at an unannounced time, and the consequences if another positive test occurs. Once an athlete has tested positive, he/she will be subject to random testing throughout his career at ECCC. 5. The athlete will be encouraged to seek counseling. If an athlete tests positive for a second time: 1. The athlete will be released immediately from the team. 2. The athlete’s scholarship will be declared invalid by the Director of Athletics. 3. The athlete will be removed immediately and permanently from campus housing if living in a residence hall. 4. The athlete’s parents/guardians shall be notified by certified letter. 5. The athlete will not be eligible for any athletic team, varsity or intramural, while attending ECCC. 6. The athlete will be encouraged to seek further counseling. 7. The athlete will be subject to all other disciplinary procedures and/or policies of East Central Community College. I,_______________________________, have read and understand the above stated position of the ECCC Athletic Department regarding drug testing of ECCC athletes. I grant permission for such testing of myself and acknowledge consent by signature affixed hereto. I also understand that because of MACCC Policy, the results may be released to MACCC schools. Failure to sign this release and/or failure to consent to drug testing will result in immediate removal from the team, immediate removal from scholarship, and immediate removal from campus housing.
____________________________ ______________
________________ Social Security No.
Signature of Athlete
Birth Date
(Added 4/13/04; Revised 11/11/08; Revised 2/9/16; Edited 9/21/18; Edited 7/14/21)
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